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FES / Bibliothek / Digitale Bibliothek / FES-Publikationen

Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

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3 Treffer zu Ihrer Suchanfrage nach : papers presented to the quaterly meeting

[The prospects of economic growth in Jordan] : 1999/10/13 ʿAmmān / [ed.: Mohamed Said Nabulsi. Jordan Development Center. - ʿAmmān], 2001. - 30 S. = 550 KB, PDF-File. - ( Papers presented to the quaterly meeting of the Economic Policy Forum ; 1)
In arab. Schr. - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES Library, 2004

[The economic adjustment programme and its impact on the Jordanian economy] : 2000/7/30 ʿAmmān / [ed.: Mohamed AbuHamrev. Jordan Development Center. - ʿAmmān], 2001. - 37 S. = 680 KB, PDF-File. - ( Papers presented to the quaterly meeting of the Economic Policy Forum ; 2)
In arab. Schr. - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES Library, 2004

Regional economic development and their impact on Jordan : Amman, 25 July 2000 / ed.: Tayseer Abdel Jaber. [Jordan Development Center]. - Amman, 2001. - 31 S. : graph. Darst. = 870 KB, PDF-File. - ( Papers presented to the quaterly meeting of the Economic Policy Forum ; 3)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES Library, 2004

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