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FES / Bibliothek / Digitale Bibliothek / FES-Publikationen

Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

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329 Treffer zu Ihrer Suchanfrage nach : study
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Bishara, Azmi
[A whirlpool of the religion and the state in Israel / Azmi Bishara. - ʿAmmān : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Soko, Bopelokgale
Debt management and governance in Africa / Bopelokgale Soko. - Addis Ababa : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung African Union Cooperation Office, 2022
Alfer, Joseph
[Settlement and borders / Joseph Alfer. - Amman : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Ekeruche, Mma Amara
Africa's rising debt and the emergence of new creditors / Mma Amara Ekeruche. - Addis Ababa : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung African Union Cooperation Office, 2022
Huruwitz, Dan
[Democracy and national security in a continuous conflict / Dan Huruwitz ; Moshe Lisak. - ʿAmmān : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Jarinbij, Lif
[The MAPAI Party between democratization and liberalization on the accountability of the two contradictions / Lif Jarinbij. - ʿAmmān : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Weinjrud, Alex
[Styles of ethnic adaptation / Alex Weinjrud. - ʿAmmān : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Haj, Majed al-
[The Soviet immigrants in Israel / Majed Al-Haj. - ʿAmmān : Center for Strategic Studies], 1996
Kivimäki, Timo
The dynamics of conflict in the multiethnic union of Myanmar / Timo Kivimäki & Paul Pasch. - [Revised electronic ed.]. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Asia-Pacific Dep., 2009
The impact of organized crime on democratic governance in Latin America / Francisco E. Thoumi ... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [Department Latin America and Carribean]. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department Latin America and Caribbean, 2010

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