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FES / Bibliothek / Digitale Bibliothek / FES-Publikationen

Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

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39 Treffer zu Ihrer Suchanfrage nach : briefing paper shanghai

Fues, Thomas
[The G-20: a new global governance framework for sustainable development?] / by Thomas Fues. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - [8] S. = 320 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 1)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chineses script

Fues, Thomas
The G-20: a new global governance framework for sustainable development? / by Thomas Fues. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S. = 190 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 1)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Müller, Torsten; Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Rüb, Stefan
[Global union federations and the challenges of globalisation] / Torsten Müller ; Hans-Wolfgang Platzer und Stefan Rüb. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 12 S. = 350 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chineses script

Tan, Kenneth Paul
Singapore: a depoliticized civil society in a dominant-party system? / by Kenneth Paul Tan. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 4 S. = 170 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 3)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Tan, Kenneth Paul
[Singapore: a depoliticized civil society in a dominant-party system?] / by Kenneth Paul Tan. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 4 S. = 270 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 3)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Egner, Björn
Housing policy in Germany - a best practice model? / Björn Egner. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 190 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 4)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Egner, Björn
[Housing policy in Germany - a best practice model?] / Björn Egner. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 300 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 4)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Yang, Yin
The historical evolution of China's administrative compensation system and its recent amendments / by Yang Yin. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 230 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 5)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Yang, Yin
[The historical evolution of China's administrative compensation system and its recent amendments / by Yang Yin]. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 290 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 5)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chineses script

Palley, Thomas I.
The end of export-led growth : implications for emerging markets and the global economy / by Thomas I. Palley. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 210 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 6)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Palley, Thomas I.
[The end of export-led growth : implications for emerging markets and the global economy] / Thomas I. Palley. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 300 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 6)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Mielke, Gerd
Political parties, membership mobilisation and power management : the example of the Federal Republic of Germany / by Gerd Mielke. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 190 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 7)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Mielke, Gerd
[Political parties, membership mobilisation and power management : the example of the Federal Republic of Germany] / Gerd Mielke. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 310 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 7)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Netzer, Nina
[The end of nuclear power? : Time to rethink international energy policy] / Nina Netzer. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 311 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 8)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Jia, Nan; Dong, Xiao-yuan
The earnings penalty for motherhood in urban China during the economic transition / by Jia Nan and Dong Xiao-yuan. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 210 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 9)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Jia, Nan; Dong, Xiao-yuan
[The earnings penalty for motherhood in urban China during the economic transition] / by Jia Nan and Dong Xiao-yuan. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 7 S. = 260 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 9)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Ziesing, Hans-Joachim
[Europe's emissions trading system : an effective and efficient instrument for a low-carbon economy] / Hans-Joachim Ziesing. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 12 S. = 330 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 10)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Ziesing, Hans-Joachim
Europe's emissions trading system : an effective and efficient instrument for a low-carbon economy / by Hans-Joachim Ziesing. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 12 S. = 240 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 10)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Bouvier, Beatrix
At a snail's pace : from female suffrage to a policy of equality in Germany / by Beatrix Bouvier. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 190 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 11)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Bouvier, Beatrix
[At a snail's pace : from female suffrage to a policy of equality in Germany] / Beatrix Bouvier. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 280 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 11)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Klatzer, Elisabeth; Stiegler, Barbara
Gender budgeting - an equality policy strategy / by Elisabeth Klatzer and Barbara Stiegler. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 190 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 12)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Klatzer, Elisabeth; Stiegler, Barbara
[Gender budgeting - an equality policy strategy] / [by Elisabeth Klatzer and Barbara Stiegler]. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 8 S. = 300 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 12)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Müller, Friedemann
Major turning points of international energy policy : China's key role / Friedemann Müller. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 16 S. = 3 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 13)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Müller, Friedemann
[Major turning points of international energy policy : China's key role] / Friedemann Müller. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 12 S. = 6 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 13)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Blum, Sonja
Family policies and birth rates : evidence and challenges for European countries / Sonja Blum. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 12 S. = 5 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 14)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Blum, Sonja
[Family policies and birth rates : evidence and challenges for European countries] / Sonja Blum. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 8 S. = 5 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 14)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Müller-Kraenner, Sascha
Reform of global sustainable development institutions / Sascha Müller-Kraenner. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 8 S. = 3 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 15)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Müller-Kraenner, Sascha
[Reform of global sustainable development institutions] / Sascha Müller-Kraenner. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 8 S. = 1 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 15)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Huang, Hongji; Zhou, Ying
Youth participation in the age of microblogging - a survey of Shanghai youth / Huang Hongji and Zhou Ying. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 12 S. = 3 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 16)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Huang, Hongji; Zhou, Ying
[Youth participation in the age of microblogging - a survey of Shanghai youth] / Huang Hongji and Zhou Ying. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 12 S. = 7 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 16)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Hillebrand, Ernst
The current situation of the centre-left in Europe / Ernst Hillebrand. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 8 S. = 5 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 17)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Hillebrand, Ernst
[The current situation of the centre-left in Europe] / Ernst Hillebrand. - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 8 S. = 5 MB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 17)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Think tanks in policy making - do they matter? / Andrew Rich .... - [Shanghai], 2011. - 63 S. = 775 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2011, special issue)
Electronic ed.: Beijing : FES, 2011. - Title only available online

Think tanks in policy making - do they matter? / Andrew Rich .... - [Shanghai], 2011. - 59 S. = 880 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2011, special issue)
Electronic ed.: Beijing : FES, 2011. - Title only available online. - Chinese script

Protection for domestic workers : challenges and prospects / Birte Klemm .... - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 21 S. = 470 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2011, special issue 1)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015

Protection for domestic workers : challenges and prospects / Birte Klemm .... - [Shanghai] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 22 S. = 380 KB, PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2011, special issue 1)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

Redistribution for growth? : Income inequality and economic recovery / Rudolf Traub-Merz (eds.). [Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Shanghai Coordination Office for International Cooperation]. - Shanghai, 2012. - 118 S. = 2 MB PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2012, special issue)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2012

Redistribution for growth? : Income inequality and economic recovery / Rudolf Traub-Merz (ed.). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [Shanghai Coordination Office for International Cooperation. - Shanghai, 2012. - 113 S. = 2 MB PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2012, special issue)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2012. - Chinese script

Hofmann, Harald
Formen der politischen Partizipation in Deutschland / Harald Hofmann. - Shanghai : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013. - 25 S. = 12 MB PDF-File. - ( Briefing paper Shanghai ; 2013, special issue)
Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2015. - Chinese script

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