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FES / Bibliothek / Digitale Bibliothek / Weitere Volltext-Editionen / Willy-Brandt-Personalbibliografie


2 Treffer zu Ihrer Suchanfrage

Address by Chancellor Brandt at Harvard University on June 5, 1972, twenty-five years after the announcement of the Marshall Plan
In: Common values, common cause. German statesmen in the United States, American statesmen in Germany 1953-1983, Statements and speeches. [Hrsg.]: German Information Center. New York 1983, S. 95-106.

Thanking America: Twenty-five years after the announcement of the Marshall-Plan, speech by Chancellor Willy Brandt, June 5, 1972
In: The Marshall-Plan: a retrospective. Ed. by Stanley Hoffmann and Charles Maier. Boulder/Col., London 1984, S. 103-113.
Siehe auch Nr. C1809
Weitere Personen: Marshall, George C.