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FES / Bibliothek / Kataloge / Publikationen der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft

Publikationen der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft

61 Treffer zu Ihrer Suchanfrage nach Organisationen: organizations
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[WCOTP]. - Washington, D.C., 1961
Signatur(en): A 99-3945
All-African Conference on Health and Physical Education <1962, Monrovia>
Report of the WCOTP All-African Conference on Health and Physical Education. - Washington, D.C., 1962
Signatur(en): A 99-4632
L'appui fourni a l'enseignement par le public / Confédération Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante. - Washington, D.C., 1958
Signatur(en): C 99-2219
Audio-visual aids for international understanding / World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession. - Washington, D.C., 1958
Signatur(en): C 99-1960
Audio-visual aids for international understanding / World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession. - Washington, D.C., 1959
Signatur(en): C 99-2247
Audio-Visual Workshop <1966, Tokyo>
Report of the WCOTP Audio-Visual Workshop / World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession. - Washington, D.C., 1966
Signatur(en): A 99-4692
Berlin. - [Washington, D.C.], 1961
Signatur(en): A 99-4676
Berlin / WVLO. - [Washington, D.C., 1961
Signatur(en): A 99-4677
The changing situation of workers and their unions / AFL-CIO. - Frankfurt : GEW, 1985
Signatur(en): Z 9804/1985,7.8
Citizen C.I.O. / National C.I.O. Community Services Committee. - New York, NY, 1947
Signatur(en): C 99-2272

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