Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Projects & Partners

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation Library does its work within the framework of a large political foundation. Of major importance, however, is the cooperation with external partners who support our work financially, infra-structurally, and in non-material ways.

The decision to cooperate with a certain partner is guided by the goal to make the inventories, some of which are truly unique, optimally available for national and international research and science, to index and to present them.

Below, these partners are mentioned by name. The pages that lie behind the respective links describe the projects (both ongoing and completed) conducted with these partners.

In order to gain further information about our cooperation partners, please visit their homepages directly. You will find the corresponding link on the pages detailing that partner's projects with the FES.

  1. General Cooperations
  2. Bibliothecal Cooperations
  3. Cooperations on the topic of "History and Policy of the Labour and Trade Union Movements"

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