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TISK AFFILIATES CIMENTO MUSTAHSILLERI ISVERENLERI SENDIKASI UNION OF CEMENT PRODUCERS Employer union founded in Ankara on November 28, 1964 to operate in the cement branch; affiliated to TISK since 1978. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Nurettin Özmen (temporary chairman), Vedat Ilalan, Tahsin Günel, Mesut Zeytinoglu, Bedri Akgerman and Orhan Aker, each representing a different private cement factory. The union held general assembly meetings on: 13.4.1965, 26.4.1967, 25.4.1970, 28.2.1978, in 1980, on 5.10.1983 (extraordinary), 12-13.11.1983, 8-9.2.1986, 10.11.1987 (extraordinary), 18.10.1988 (extraordinary), 18-19.2.1989, 15-16.2.1992 and 11-12.3.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of A.Mesut Erez (chairman), Cafer Findikoglu, Vecdi Özcelik, Adnan Ignebekcili, Cengiz Özdemir, Mehmet Eskiyapan, Esref Baltali, R. Oktay Ormancioglu and Sevket Demirel. Cengiz Özdemir was later replaced by Ertan Akis. In the second half of the 1970s the union emulated other employer organizations and established a strike and lockout fund in order to back its members against labour unions. The union declared lockouts in 1978 and 1990, the latter covering all cement factories in the country. In both cases collective labour contracts were signed as a result. The charter was amended in 1980 so that its members were required not to sign collective labour contracts without the knowledge of the union and to comply in these contracts with the principles set forth by the union. The union publishes the bimonthly Cimento-Isveren" journal and it reported 27, members. Among its members there is Adana, Aslan, Askale, Ak Cimento Sanayi TAS, Bastas Baskent TAS, Bati-Cim Bati Anadolu TAS, Batisöke Söke, Bolu Cimento TAS, Bursa Cimento Fabrikasi, Canakkale, Cimetas Cimsa Cimento Sanayii, Denizli, Konya- Cimen, Mardin and Nuh Cimento Sanayii TAS, Göltas Göller Bölgesi Cimento Sanayii, Set Afyon, Set Anadolu, Set Ankara, Set Balikesir, Set Trakya ve Unye Cimento TAS, Yibitas Yozgat and Nevsehir Cimento Sanayii, Ortaanadolu Cimento Fabrikalari.
UNION OF DRUG AND CHEMICALS INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS Employer union founded in Istanbul on 8.7.1964 to operate in the drug and chemicals branch, originally under the name of Union of Drug Industry Employers of Turkey; affiliated to TISK. he union is based in Istanbul and was founded by the representatives of 22 pharmaceutical companies including Abbot Laboratories, Carlo Erba, Ciba, Drifen, Eczacibasi, Farmitalia, I. Ethem, Roche, Türk Hoechst and Wyeth Laboratories. The union held general assembly meetings in 1975; on May 31, 1976 (13th congress); March 29, 1977; March 1, 1978; March 16, 1979; March 19, 1980; March 23, 1982; December 31, 1992 and 30.1.1993. Nejat Eczacibasi occupied the office of chairman in the union from 1974 (probably also earlier) until 1993. At the congress in 1993 Kaya Turgut was elected as chairman, Nuri Burhan Cerigenc as vice-chairman and Kamuran Akay, Ismet Sözen, Erman Atasoy, Namik Badal, Nezih Barut, Faruk Yöneymen and Murat Sait Barlas as members of the board. At the extraordinary general assembly that convened on May 4, 1995 a decision was adopted for affiliation to TISK. The board elected at the last congress on 25.2.1996 is composed of Kaya Turgut (chairman), Bülent Eczacibasi (deputy chairman) and Türksel Atasu, Erman Atasoy, Murat Barlas, Nezih Barut, Muhtar Tanriöver, Faik Samer and Faruk Yöneyman as members. After the election, Tandogan Tokgöz was assigned as general secretary. The union collaborated with the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance in the 1970s in work concerning the drug industry, including joint projects at the universities and the cancellation of customs duties on imports of raw materials for drugs. Other main issues discussed at the congresses of the union were problems related to governmental price restrictions, the question of technology and know-how transfer and the need to increase production. Its main members in 1996 are Abbot Laboratuvari, Abdi Ibrahim, Abfar, Adeka, Ali Raif, Bayer, Bilim, Carlo Erba Ilac, Ciba Geigy, Dogu Ilac, Eczacibasi Ilac, Eczacibasi Baxter, Fako Ilaclari, Dr. F. Frik Ilac Sanayii, Glaxowellcoma, Gripin, Ilsan Iltas, Kansuk Laboratuvari, Knoll Alman Ilac, Kurtsan Ilaclari, Liba Laboratuvari, Merck Sharp, Milen Merkez Ilac Endüstrisi, Organon Ilac, Pfizer Ilac, Roche, Sandoz, Sanovel Ilac, Schering Alman Ilac, Servier ve Turgut Ilac, Türk Hoechst Sanayii ve Ticaret, Wyeth Laboratuvari. It has 39 main members and 11 donor members.
Employer union founded in Ankara on January 30, 1964 to operate in the construction branch; affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by 21 contractors including Mebus Ergüvenc, Ilhan Alper, Emrullah Altay, Fahrettin Önsu and Haydar Sicimoglu. The union held general assembly meetings on: 24.9.1964, 20.11.1965, 9.10.1966, 27.9.1968, 19.10.1973, 16.9.1976, 27.4.1978 (extraordinary), 14.12.1978 (extraordinary), 20.12.1979, 28.4.1982, 10.10.1983 (extraordinary), 26.11.1983, 4.5.1985 (extraordinary), 15-16.11.1986, 25-26.11.1988, 3.5.1990, 23.11.1992 and 18-19.11.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Ibrahim Sencan, Kadir Sever, Nihat Özdemir, Bahattin Ecevit, Atilla Senol, Turan Esen and Sükrü Kocoglu. Nihat Özdemir and Kadir Sever were replaced by Turgut Aydiner and Atilla Önen, respectively. The union affiliated to TISK in 1965. The union, which does not have any branches, publishes a monthly journal called INTES Isveren". It reported 89 members in 1982, 92 in 1996 and 91 in 1997.
Employer union founded in Istanbul on January 27, 1977 to operate in the paper branch, originally under the name of Kagit Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Paper Industry Employers); affiliated to TISK since 1979. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Haluk Eczacibasi, I.Kenan Atasavun, Selahattin Demirci (temporary chairman), Hüseyin Temizel, Aleaddin Kisakürek, Vural Bulut and Turgut Isik, representing the companies Ipek Kagit, Olmuk Mukavva, Kartonsan, Kagit Sanayii, Modern Karton, Bulut Oluklu Mukavva and Baksan, respectively. The union held general assembly meetings on: 8.6.1977 (extraordinary), 14.5.1979, 30.9.1983 (extraordinary), 12.11.1983, 25.10.1986, 9.8.1988, 13.5.1989, 13.7.1991, 18- 19.4.1992 and 29.4.1995. At the last congress Riza Kutlu Isik was elected as chairman, while Osman Erdal Karamercan, Ismail Tanger Altilar, M. Ercan Alkan and Bahri Eskin became members of the board.
Employer union founded in Istanbul on February 3, 1961, originally under the name of Istanbul Kimyevi ve Tibbi Müstahzarat Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Chemical and Medical Preparation Producers of Istanbul); affiliated to TISK. It is a member of International Chemical Employers Labour Relations Committee. The union was founded by Nedim Bayar (representing Aga-Türk Sanayii), Bülent Kalmik (representing Leda Ticaret), Rasim Sile, Hikmet Güney (representing Tege Laboratuari) and Salamon Beceren (representing Fenerli Müessesesi). The union held general assembly meetings on: 26.6.1962, 11.12.1962, 22.10.1964, 20.10.1966, 24.10.1968, in October 1970, 1972, on 26.10.1972, 21.5.1973 (extraordinary), 6.11.1973 (extraordinary), 30.1.1975, 21.4.1975 (extraordinary), 25.1.19772, 11.10.1978 (extraordinary), 17.4.1979, 11.3.1980 (extraordinary), 3.3.1981, 15.4.1983, 25.8.1983 (extraordinary), 24.12.1983, 23.5.1986 (extraordinary), 16.12.1986, 23.7.1987 (extraordinary), 11.3.1989, 13.4.1990 (extraordinary), 18.10.1991 (extraordinary), 10-11.4.1992 and 10-11.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Refik Baydur (chairman), Metin Eris, Tugrul Kutadgubilik, Erol Kiresepi, Erdogan Cicekci, Can Peker, Oktay Aytug, Lütfiye Kartal and Ali Nuri Türker. The union affiliated to the Istanbul League of Employer Unions in 1962. Later that year it was converted into a national-type of union. It adopted its present name in 1983 as a result of the legislative change in industrial branches. In 1971 investigations were started about the chairman of the union for failing to report the number of its members and its umbrella organization. The union replied that it had 91 members and was affiliated to TISK. At the congress in 1975, the leadership of the union criticised the government for allowing a boom in wages, which was far beyond the means of employers, and declared that this development was endangering the future of the national industry. In the same year the union began to support financially its members who had suffered strikes or lockouts in their enterprises. In 1990 the congress decided to amend the charter so that one half of the membership dues would be allocated to the strike and lockout fund of the union. Affiliated state enterprises were, however, exempted from this practice, as they had notified in writing that they did not wish to avail themselves of this fund. At the congress in 1995 the chairman praised the three confederations of labour unions for paying attention not only to their narrow interests but to national issues, and expressed his wish that politicians would follow suit. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between employers and workers for increased production and the need for the backing of a non-partisan government. Kiplas has two representative offices, one in Istanbul and the other in the Aegean region, and it publishes a quarterly named Kiplas Isveren". It has 68 members in December 1997. Among the members of the union are: Akdeniz Gübre Sanayii, Aygaz A.S., Bayer Tarim Ilaclari Sanayii, Biofarma, CBS, DYO, Goodyear, Habas, Lassa and Kav Orman Sanayii.
Employer union founded in Istanbul on October 14, 1959 to operate in the metal branch; affiliated to TISK and WEM (West European Metal Employers Union). The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Sekip Manco, Bedii Turgut Taranto, Burhan Günergün, Seyfettin Atabek, Salim Osman Tatari, Yento Mesulanlardan, Jak Kamhi, Alberto Penhas, Sevket Belgin and Nurettin Kizilay, representing major metal companies such as Türk Demir Döküm AS, Arcelik, Profilo and Zatel. The union held general assembly meetings on: 4.12.1959, 18.12.1962 (extraordinary), 27.12.1963, in November 1964, 26.1.1965, 5.11.1965, 21.12.1966 (extraordinary), 14.11.1967, 14.11.1969, 2.6.1970, 29.12.1970 (extraordinary), 21.9.1971, 9.11.1971 (extraordinary), 14.11.1972, 31.5.1973 (extraordinary), 9.11.1973, 26.11.1974, 2.12.1975, 9.11.1976, 14.10.1977 (extraordinary), 12.5.1978, 30.4.1979, 25.4.1980, 29-30.4.1982, 27.9.1983 (extraordinary), 19-20.11.1983, 8.11.1985 (extraordinary), 26-27.1986, 1-2.4.1989, 16.2.1990, 18-19.4.1992, 25.11.1993 (extraordinary) and 21.2.1995. The board is composed of Erdogan Karakoyunlu (chairman), Bedirhan Celik (deputy chairman), Uraz Tantug (deputy chairman) and B. Nizam Uluatli, Mehmet Ali Berkman, Yalcin Amanvermez, Sedat Fenerci, Hamdi Akin and Orhan Atiker as members. Prof. Dr. Orhan Tuna from the Technical University of Istanbul played an important role in the foundation of the union. He relates that he suggested to Sekip Manco the establishment of a union of employers in view of the fact that workers had been unionized since 1947, and when this idea found favour among a group of industrialists he collaborated with Prof. Dr. Hifzi Timur to prepare its charter. The union was among the founders of the League of Employer Unions of Istanbul in 1961, which was converted into TISK (Confederation of Employer Unions of Turkey) the following year. The decision at the congress in 1962 to open regional offices made a significant contribution to the expansion of the union. In 1964 Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu (MKE - Machinery and Chemical Industries) and Eregli Demir Celik Fabrikalari (Eregli Iron and Steel Mills), both of them public enterprises, affiliated to MESS, and later that year the general manager of MKE became the chairman of the union. In 1967 the union formed a strike and lockout fund" in order to assist its members in case of such job actions. Although in the late 1960s MESS was against branch-level collective labour contracts, in 1971 it decided to prepare a draft contract which would be applicable for all its members. This draft laid down the principles of the so-called MESS Group Contracts. One of the provisions in the draft contract was not to accept a reduction in the 48-hour work week. It also rejected any extra holidays and any fringe benefits other than those stipulated by law. In 1973 the union board was empowered to declare a lockout when it deemed necessary. As a result of the widespread strikes in the metal sector in 1977 several employers resigned from the union. In 1978 pursuant to the social contract" signed between the then prime minister Bülent Ecevit and Türk-Is chairman Halil Tunc, public sector employers withdrew from MESS. In December 1979 the chairman of MESS, Turgut Özal, was appointed as undersecretary of the Prime Ministry. He was to become prime minister in 1983 and serve as president of Turkey from 1991 until his death in 1993. In 1979 the collective negotiations between MESS on the one hand and Maden-Is, Türk Metal and Otomobil-is on the other hand broke down, and Maden-Is and Otomobil-Is called a strike involving over 35,000 workers. These strikes were terminated after the military coup in 1980 and the collective labour contracts were later concluded by the Supreme Council of Arbitration. MESS welcomed the military coup as establishing an atmosphere of peace and security in the country", and in the following years formulated a system dividing the workers into nine categories and declared that wage raises were to be decided according to these groupings. The Supreme Council of Arbitration followed for the most part the principles of this system when making its decisions. The union publishes a monthly called MESS Isveren Gazetesi". It has branches in Ankara, Izmir and Bursa and office in Adana. The union reported 17 members in 1960, 185 in 1965, 296 in 1971, 309 in 1975, 310 in 1980, 450 in 1986, 282 in 1995 and 277 in 1997. MESSis a party to 250 collective bargaining covering 90,000 workers..
Employer union founded in Istanbul on September 8, 1963 to operate in the sea transport branch; affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by 23 shipowners including Ziya Kalkavan (temporary chairman), Ismail Kaptanoglu, Muzaffer Diba, Mehmet Sekerci and Adil Göksu. The information about the first years of the union is missing and the first known general assembly meeting date is 24.12.1983. Its next congresses were held on 13.4.1985 (extraordinary), 4.1.1986, 25.1.1988, 17.1.1993 and 13.1.1996. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Ilhan Karavelioglu (chairman), Engin Kaptanoglu (deputy chairman), Nuri Güven (deputy chairman) and Tuncer Saygiver, Hakan Gürel, Hakan Kalkavan, Orhan Karademir, Engin Topsakaloglu and I. Tugrul Selek as members. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications and it reported 89 members in 1995.
Employer union founded in Istanbul on January 2, 1961, originally under the name of Istanbul Tahta Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Wood Industry Employers of Istanbul); affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Alaaddin Kuntis, Macit Sirel, Sedat Tuncay, Hüseyin Uysal, Ahmet Tezel, Yavuz Selek, Fazil Aysu, Fadil Barkan, Hanilaos Bayas and Sanayi Pelit. The union held general assembly meetings on: 30.11.1961, 6.12.1982, 12.12.1963, 19.8.1964 (extraordinary), 26.10.1965 (extraordinary), 14.3.1966 (extraordinary), 20.11.1967, 20.11.1969, 20.10.1971, 18.5.1973 (extraordinary), 7.11.1973, 27.11.1975, 15.11.1977, 27.11.1979, 26.2.1982, 12-13.11.1983, 1.11.1989, 26.11.1992 and 18.11.1995. Currently the board is composed of Zeki Tever (chairman), Hüsnü Karagözoglu (deputy chairman) and Solmaz Coskun, Hüseyin Sairoglu and Mehmet Yildiz as members. The union converted into a national-type of union soon after its foundation and it affiliated to TISK in 1971. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications. It reported 40 members in 1970, 43 in 1979, 37 in 1981 and 20 in 1995 (including prominent enterprises such as Kelebek Mobilya, Anadolu Endüstrisi Holding AS and Adel Kalemcilik).
Employer union founded in Istanbul on May 20, 1993 to operate in the accommodation and entertainment facilities branch; affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by the representatives of 17 companies in the tourism sector. The temporary president of the union was Yilmaz Isikci. The union held its first general assembly meeting on 20.11.1993. The board elected at this congress was composed of Yilmaz Isikci (chairman), Sami Cölgecen, Gökhan Kocakli, Atilla Silahtaroglu, Varol Ziya Dereli, Tavit Köletavitoglu and Nazmi Hasemoglu. The last congress was held on 11.01.1997. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Yilmaz Isikci (chairman), Gökhan Kocakli (deputy chairman) and Sami Cölgecen, Varol Ziya Dereli and Atilla Silahtaroglu as members. The application of the union to join TISK was accepted in March 1994. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications, and in 1995 it reported 15 members.
The union affiliated to TISK on 7.10.1997. The board elected at the last congress which was held on 22.06.1997 is composed of Cansin Kavukcu (chairman), Yusuf Serdaroglu (deputy chairman) and Halit Karademir (general secretary). It has 47 members in 1997.
UNION OF GLASS, CEMENT AND SOIL INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Istanbul on January 24, 1961 to operate in the glass branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Cam Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Glass Industry Employers of Turkey); affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Zeki Hesapli, Necati Gökyigit, Muvakkat Aksit, Nevzat Seker, Mehmet Kumkumoglu and Hayri Tokay. The union held general assembly meetings on: 29.11.1961, 24.12.1962, 19.12.1963, 24.11.1965, 14.12.1967, 9.12.1969, 24.12.1971 (extraordinary), 24.5.1973 (extraordinary), 15.2.1974, 27.9.1974 (extraordinary), 26.2.1976, 23.2.1978, 25.3.1980, 13.4.1982, 2.11.1983 (extraordinary), 10-11.12.1983, 19- 20.4.1986, 26.6.1987 (extraordinary), 15-16.4.1989, 16-17.2.1991 (extraordinary), 11.4.1992 and 29.4.1995. Currently, the board is composed of Adnan Caglayan (chairman), Alpaslan Akinci (deputy chairman), Rüstü Bozkurt (deputy chairman) and Uran Özsoy, Alev Yaraman, Mehmet Ihsan Orhon and Ali Nafiz Konuk as members. The Pasabahce Glass Industry which is one of the major industrial enterprises in the country played an important role in the establishment and development of this union. The union is also one of the founders of the League of Employer Unions of Istanbul which was founded on 15.10.1961. When this League was converted to TISK (Confederation of Employer Unions of Turkey) in December 1962, the union adopted a decision to organize on a national level and changed its name accordingly. The union experienced several strikes in the glass branch in the late 1960s and early 1970s and in 1971 decided to establish a strike and lockout fund. In 1983 the operation area of the union was enlarged to include the cement and soil sectors, pursuant to the new legislation on industrial branches. In 1988 the Ministry of Labour approved the application of the union for membership to CPIV (Permanent Council of Glass Industry of the EEC). The union reported 10 members in 1971, 14 in 1975, 13 in 1980 and 9 in 1997. Among its members there is Türkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari AS, Gökyigit, Anadolu Cam Sanayii AS, Cayirova Cam Sanayii, Izocam, Betebe Mozaik ve Seramik Sanayii AS, Bursa Otocam Sanayii.
UNION OF LEATHER INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Istanbul on July 18, 1954 to operate in the leather branch, originally under the name of Kösele and Deri Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Hide and Leather Industry Employers); affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Tuzla, Aydinlikköy and was founded by Fettah Kosar (temporary chairman), Ahmet Isbilen, Hasim Özülkü, Izak Menda, Dimitri Madyanos, Petor Duni, Yani Dulo, Manol Sotriadis, Niko Tripo and Yani Triandefilidi, all of them leather manufacturers. The union held general assembly meetings on: 17.1.1956, 1.7.1957, 6.10.1958, 27.5.1959, 23.3.1961, 5.6.1962, 11.12.1963, 5.11.1964, in January 1966, on 31.1.1968, 2.6.1970, 25.1.1972, 31.1.1974, 15.11.1975, 9.11.1977, 21.11.1979, 12.5.1982, 26.11.1983. As of 1995, the board of the union is composed of Alaaddin Kosar (chairman), Hakki Matras, Ilhami Yüksel, Suphi Caglar, Ercüment Akdeniz, Bayram Yigit and Tello Menda. In 1963 the union signed its first collective labour contract with Türkiye Deri-Is union covering 53 workplaces. The present name of the union was adopted in 1964. In 1972 the charter was amended so as to delete the condition of Turkish citizenship for affiliation to the union. The leadership stressed at the congress in 1975 the necessity for unity and coordination against the demands of workers, and suggested the inclusion in all collective labour contracts of an article on forced overtime. In 1979 they tried to centralize the hiring of labour so that each enterprise would apply to the union when they had need of new employees. The report to the congress in 1982 expressed support to the military coup in 1980, reminding the delegates of the terror and anarchy" prevailing prior to the intervention and the job actions by the leather workers. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications. It reported 99 members in 1970, 124 in 1975, 4,090 in 1980, and 95 in 1995.
UNION OF FOOD INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Istanbul on January 24, 1961 to operate in the food industry branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Gida Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Food Industry Employers of Istanbul); affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Fuat Taylan, Erdesiz Uzunoglu, Behic Besler, Kemal Dedeoglu, Kemal Güray, Ismail Hakki Sezer, Muammer Eris and Orhan Göker. The union held general assembly meetings on 1.12.1961, 16.12.1963, 18.5.1964, 18.5.1965, 30.4.1966, 30.5.1968, 1.4.1970, 31.3.1971, 1.4.1972, 31.3.1973, 31.3.1974, 31.3.1975, 1.4.1976, 31.3.1977, 25.5.1977, 25.5.1978, 29.5.1980, 27.5.1982 and 28.11.1992, 28.11.1992 and 25.11.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Nazim Düzenli (chairman), Kenan Maraslioglu (deputy chairman), Yakup Tahincioglu (deputy chairman) and Mehmet Göc, Ramazan Abay, Erdem Özkasikci, Erol Dönertas, Okyar Yayalar and Umit Cinar as members. The present name of the union was adopted in 1963. In 1973 the union decided to establish a strike and lockout fund for assistance among employers, but contribution to this fund became obligatory for members first in 1978. By the mid-1970s decisions were taken to reinforce the cooperation with other TISK affiliates, and the union took a determined attitude against demands for a shorter working week and higher severance pay. At the congress in 1980 the participants expressed the view that the check-off system (deduction of union membership dues from the wages by the employer) had to be terminated and criticised the new legislation raising severance pay to 30 days wages for each year. The union does not have any branches, but a representative office in the Aegean Region. Its monthly organ Gida-Isveren" has not been published since 1991. The union reported 145 members in 1978, 146 in 1980, 42 in 1995 and 40 in 1997.
UNION OF MINE EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Ankara on January 17, 1964 to operate in the mining branch; affiliated to TISK since 1965. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Fethi Barbaros Altug, Edip Baysal, Nurettin Imre, Fehim Ucyildiz, Münci Basak, Halil Boztürk (temporary chairman), Kamil Bilgihan and Halil Boztürk, each representing a different mining company. The union held general assembly meetings on: 1.2.1965, 27.1.1967, 3.5.1968 (extraordinary), 25.10.1968, 19.10.1970, 31.10.1971, 24.10.1974, 22.10.1976, 23.10.1978, 1.11.1980, 22.11.1982, 29.8.1983, 19-20.11.1983, 15-16.11.1986, 9-10.12.1989, 5.12.1992 and in 1995. The present board of the union is composed of Nizamettin Coban (chairman), Ahmet Vehbi Melek (deputy chairman), Ibrahim Dere, Abdullah Yamaner, Mesut Akkasoglu, Özer Karaduman, Ercan Tezcan, Alaaddin Coban and Erkan Burma. At the congresses in the 1960s union members called for a ban on fuel-oil imports, stating that otherwise coal mines would be forced to close down. The activity reports also expressed the need for collaboration between employers in the face of the increasingly organized workers, and in 1974 an appeal was issued to all mine owners to unite under the union. The union has 18 members as of December 1997.
UNION OF SUGAR INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Ankara on February 1, 1965 to operate in the sugar branch; affiliated to TISK since 1967. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by the representatives of Türkiye Seker Fabrikalari AS and the sugar companies in Adapazari, Kayseri, Amasya and Kütahya. The temporary chairman of the union was Münci Akkanici. The union held general assembly meetings on: 17.1.1966, 17.3.1967 (extraordinary), 28.4.1967, 18.4.1968, 8.4.1969, 28.4.1970, 27.4.1971, 3.3.1972, 20.3.1973, 12.7.1974 (extraordinary), 26.4.1976, 31.3.1978, 28.3.1979, 25.3.1980, 29.6.1981 (extraordinary), 15.3.1982, 31.10.1983 (extraordinary), 24- 25.12.1983, 13-14.12.1986, 14.2.1989 (extraordinary), 9- 10.12.1989, 23-24.2.1991, 22.2.1992, 8.8.1992 (extraordinary), 5.12.1992, 25-26.2.1995, 2-3.12.1995 and 13-14.9.1997. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Mustafa Turan (chairman), Hasan Alkan, Haci Duran Gökkaya, Ismail Seyrekbasan, Yilmaz Soykan. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications. Among its members there is Türkiye Seker Fabrikalari Genel Müdürlügü, sugar factories of Alpullu, Ankara, Bor, Burdur, Carsamba, Corum, Elazig, Elbistan, Ercis, Eregli, Erzincan, Erzurum, Eskisehir, Ilgin, Kars, Kastamonu, Kütahya, Malatya, Mus, Sivas, Susurluk, Turhal, Usak and Yozgat and also Seker Enstitüsü, Tohum Isleme Fabrikasi, Elektomanyetik Aygitlar Fabrikasi, Istanbul Alim-Satim Müdürlügü.
UNION OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Istanbul on February 2, 1961 to operate in the textile branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Tekstil Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Textile Industry Employers of Istanbul); affiliated to TISK, ITMF (International Textile Manufacturers Federation) and IWTO (International Wool Producers Organization). The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by the representatives of 8 enterprises including Kartaltepe Mensucat, Bozkurt Mensucat, Koc Yün Iplik Sanayii and Altinel Dokuma Fabrikasi. The union held general assembly meetings on: 6.12.1961, 13.2.1962, 23.10.1964, 31.10.1968, 4.11.1970, 31.10.1972, 17.3.1975 (extraordinary), 29.9.1976, 5.5.1977, 11.10.1978, 31.5.1979, 23.5.1980, 7.10.1982, 12.9.1983 (extraordinary), 20.12.1985, 19.4.1986, 12.1.1988 (extraordinary), 8.4.1989, 8.12.1989, 14-15.3.1992, 25.4.1993 (extraordinary), 9.9.1994 and 30.4.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Halit Narin (chairman), Talha Altinbasak, Necmettin Özdemir, Herve Harold Giravd, Yalcin Sabanci, Bülent Corapci, Ertekin Asaboglu, Sadik Oguz and Izi Levi. The union changed its name in 1962 in line with the decision to organize textile employers throughout the country. Between 1966-68 it signed 54 collective labour contracts on behalf of its members at workplaces organized by DISK affiliated Tekstil union. In 1971 in 22 enterprises organized by Teksif, the union declared a lockout for 7,000 workers in response to a strike call. Later the same year collective negotiations with Tekstil union also ended in dispute, leading to strikes and lockouts in 56 enterprises. In 1975 the union adopted a decision that its members would not reach an agreement with the employees in case of an illegal job action without obtaining the consent of the union. At the congresses in the second half of the 1970s issues that were often voiced by the delegates were the social and economic crises in the country that had a negative impact on labour relations, and the competition between Tekstil and Teksif unions which was also effected by the operation of their enterprises. The union regarded the military coup in 1970 as another action by our brave armed forces to protect the Republic". By 1986 the union was the largest employer organization in the textile branch. The reasons for this growth, explained the journal of the union, was that all collective bargaining was started simultaneously, the same principles were adhered to in all the workplaces and the union had a strike and lockout fund unparalleled in other employer organizations. By 1990 the union began to sign group contracts in this industrial branch. The union publishes the monthly named Tekstil Isveren Dergisi". It reported 8 members employing 2,319 workers in 1962, 129 members employing 51,141 workers in 1973, 176 members employing 76,528 workers in 1978, 165 in 1979, 166 in 1980, 143 members employing 65,000 workers in 1982, and 160 members employing 52,000 workers in 1996.
UNION OF SOIL, CERAMIC, CEMENT AND GLASS INDUSTRY EMPLOYERS OF TURKEY Employer union founded in Istanbul on January 11, 1961 to operate in the soil, cement and glass branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Maden Ocaklari ve Toprak Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Union of Mine and Soil Industry Employers of Istanbul); affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Muzaffer Budak, Rebii Gorbon, Rafael Mori, Seyfettin Dikerdem, Muzaffer Berberoglu (temporary chairman), Faruk Tamer, Tarik Ziyal, Adnan Demirci and Ömer Inönü. The union held general assembly meetings on 1.2.1962, 14.12.1962, 15.2.1963 (extraordinary), 13.12.1963, 20.12.1965, 2.6.1967 (extraordinary), 21.12.1967, 21.1.1972, 25.1.1974, 30.1.1976, 24-25.6.1977, 27.1.1978, 25.1.1980, 12.2.1982, 13.9.1983 (extraordinary), 26.11.1983, 1.1.1985, 23.11.1985 (extraordinary), 22.2.1986, 27.6.1986 (extraordinary), 27- 28.1.1989, 25.1.1992, 28.1.1994 and 11.02.1997. The board is currently composed of Zekai Erez (chairman), Ahmet Ulukus (deputy chairman), Ismet Milor (deputy chairman) and F. Fethi Hinginar, Ismet Milor, Sinasi Acar, A. Sadi Burat, Ahmet T. Yamaner, Lütfi Toprakli and Münir Yildirim as members. The union converted from a provincial to a national organization in 1963 and adopted its present name in 1983. The union first made an evaluation of the military coup of 1980 twelve years later, criticising the intervention in the activity report to the congress in 1992 for suspending the activities of all democratic pressure groups, and in that context labour unions.." In 1989 the union decided to prepare draft group collective labour contracts for this industrial branch, and formulated the policies which the union would pursue in collective bargaining. These included not making any payment to workers for time spent on strike, not exceeding the legal minimum for severance pay, refusing any demand by the union to participate in the administration of the enterprise and limiting fringe benefits. In recent years the union has signed 38 collective labour contracts with Cimse-Is and Kristal-Is unions. It is the only employer union which supports the demand for unemployment pay and job security. This view was reiterated at the congress in 1994 on the grounds that unemployment insurance would alleviate the consequences of widespread unemployment and the government was requested to carry out the relevant legal regulations as soon as possible. The union does not have any branches. It publishes a quarterly journal called Toprak Isveren". The union reported 63 members in 1970, 68 in 1975, 87 in 1980, 33 in 1990 (employing 11,888 workers) and 33 in 1995 (employing 12,500 workers). The members include such companies as Eczacibasi, Türk Ytong, Ege Seramik, Toprak Seramik, Eston and Yapi Merkezi which are among the 500 largest industrial establishments in the country.
Public Sector Employer Unions
TISK has two public sector employer unions: TUHIS and KAMU-IS. The employer unions in the state-owned enterprises began to be established after the enactment of the trade union acts in 1963. These unions have been the subject of various criticisms. It has been claimed that, as state enterprises do not constitute separate legal entities, they are not entitled under the law to form unions. Furthermore, high-level civil servants are not allowed to unionize. Since this ban cannot be construed as pertaining solely to labour unions, the managers of state economic enterprises (SEE) cannot join employer unions. Finally, since the main financial source of SEEs is the state, the establishment of public sector employer unions (PSEU) actually entails the channelling of state funds to unions and confederations, which constitutes a breach of the law. In spite of such objections, between 1963 and 1984 a total of 12 PSEUs were founded, primarily in large state economic enterprises. These unions were administered by the management of the relevant SEEs, so that the general manager of a SEE was also the chairman of the union, and the other positions were usually shared in a hierarchical order. TISK spent intense efforts between 1963-1978 to incorporate the PSEUs and was, on the whole, quite successful. Out of the 10 such unions founded until 1978, 5 affiliated to TISK, although one of them withdrew shortly afterwards. In 1978 the confrontation between Türk-Is and TISK ended with the victory of Türk-Is, and as a provision of the social contract" signed between Bülent Ecevit, the prime minister of the period, and Halil Tunc, the chairman of Türk-Is, the 4 PSEUs affiliated to TISK resigned from the confederation. After the new trade union acts of 1983, the government decided to reduce the number of PSEUs to three: Türk Kamu-Sen, TUHIS and Kamu-Is. Each of these unions was to operate in several industrial branches and the government decree also specified which enterprise was to affiliate to each union. Nevertheless, some enterprises declined to join these unions, some resigned from membership not long afterwards, and several enterprises that were granted the freedom of choice affiliated to other employer unions such as MESS, Kiplas or Tekstil. In 1995 the government requested the 3 PSEUs to unite under a single organization, explaining that the existence of several unions created problems in achieving coordination and led to a loss of time. Unification would cut down overhead expenditures and facilitate the privatization of the SEEs. As a result, TUHIS and Türk Kamu-Sen were asked to abolish themselves and join KAMU-IS. Although Türk Kamu-Sen acquiesced with this request, the general assembly of TUHIS that was held on 11.11.1995 rejected the proposal of unification and decided to maintain its separate entity.
Public employer union founded in Ankara on November 25, 1968, originally under the name of TUTIS - Türk Tasit Isverenleri Sendikasi (Turkish Union of Transport Employers) to operate in the transport branch at the 6 departments under the Ministry of Transport, since 1983 organizing nationwide and in all branches; affiliated to TISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Adnan Pakel, Macit Sarioglu, Muzaffer Tayfun, Hüseyin Yegin, Meliha Karaca, Necati Mustanoglu, Necati Karaca, Hasan Ergecen, Yüksel Özmalkoc and Yakup Karabulut. The temporary chairman of the union was Vasfi Yalcin. The founders and board members were managers of various state economic enterprises. In 1985 the union modified its charter and adopted its present name in accordance with the government decision to expand its area of operation and to incorporate various other PSEUs. The board presently in office is composed of M. Güner Saygili (chairman), Recai Önder (deputy chairman), Murat Bostan, Levent Korkmaz and Muhittin Abacioglu at the last general assembly meeting held on 22-23.11.1997. The union publishes a quarterly named TUHIS Is Hukuku ve Iktisat Dergisi" (Labour legislation and Economy). TUHIS reported 59 members in 1997.
Employer union founded on May 14, 1971, originally under the name of Sümerbank Tekstil Sanayii Isverenleri Sendikasi (Sümerbank Textile Industry Employers Union) to operate at Sümerbank and its subsidiary enterprises; affiliated to TISK since 1986. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Zeki Özyar, Sabahattin Yalinpala, Ibrahim Etcioglu, Mithat Özer, Mebrure Yildirim, Nejat Aytepe, Aysel Göcmen, Sevim Özsoy, Metin Özbey and Mehmet Kalkan, each representing a different Sümerbank subsidiary. In 1985 the name of the union was changed to Kamu-Is as from that year it began to encompass more than one branch. The general assembly that convened on 20.7.1986 took a decision for affiliation to TISK. The following general assembly meetings of the union were held on: 15.12.1987 (extraordinary), 21.10.1989, 23.11.1991, 13.11.1993, 11.11.1995. and 8-9.11.1997. The board elected at the last congress, is composed of Mehmet Akbay (chairman), Kadir Ramazan Coskun (deputy chairman), D. Cengiz Atak, Ibrahim Kaya and Atahan Atsal. In accordance with the directive of the government, Türk Kamu-Sen which was another public employer union abolished itself and amalgamated with Kamu-Is in 1995. The union does not have any branches and it publishes a quarterly called Kamu-Is Dergisi". Practically all the public enterprises are members of the union. The union has 194 members as of December 1997. © Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition fes-library | November 1998 |