Páirtí Sóisialta
an Lucht Oibre

Social Democratic & Labour Party

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  ... manifesto '98

Building the New Europe

The SDLP is fully supportive of the new Europe that is gradually being constructed on the basis of co-operation and integration. We believe this should end, once and for all, the causes of the conflicts which engulfed Europe this century.

The SDLP is also fully aware that economically European integration - the single market and single currency, offers great opportunity for Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The SDLP will work along with our allies in the Socialist Group in the European Parliament to pursue the following specific objectives:-

ˇ the Union must be inclusive

ˇ it must remain competitive

ˇ it must be more democratic

ˇ offer involvement and participation for the citizens of Europe in the running of the Union

ˇ it must be able to deal with ethnic tensions which might arise as a consequence of labour mobility

ˇ the Union must have effective policies to protect the environment and public health

ˇ it must pursue policies of sustainable development

ˇ the European Union must work in the interests of the people of Ireland and Northern Ireland

It will be the intention of the SDLP that the Assembly and North/South Council will establish a direct relationship with the Union institutions.


ˇ the SDLP will continue to fully support and develop the European social dimension and the Social Chapter. We support the establishment of a legal basis for the promotion and protection of the rights of workers to adequate earnings, safe working environment and to democratically organise and represent themselves, as well as the enhancement of the position of working parents

ˇ the SDLP will continue to support a "Europe of the Regions" and to ensure that Northern Ireland plays its role in this development and benefits fully from it

ˇ the SDLP will play its full part in the process leading up to another round of Structural Funds and in the debate on the further reform of the CAP. We will work to ensure that Northern Ireland benefits fully from both the Structural Funds and CAP

ˇ the SDLP supports European Monetary Union as essential for the fair and effective operation of the single market and for European integration

ˇ the SDLP will approach the enlargement of the EU on a case by case basis, but always within the context of greater integration in the Union

ˇ to increase stability and strengthen peace, the SDLP will support measures and structures that lead to positive and constructive relations with its neighbours in Eastern Europe and Eurasia and will support the EU playing a positive role in resolving ethnic, national and political conflicts in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere


[Dividing Line Image]

Contact Information

Telephone (+44) (0)1232 247700
FAX (+44) (0)1232 236699
Postal address 121 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 1SH
Electronic mail sdlp@indigo.ie
Páirtí Sóisialta
an Lucht Oibre

Social Democratic & Labour Party

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Last modified: November 09, 1999