Páirtí Sóisialta
an Lucht Oibre

Social Democratic & Labour Party

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  ... manifesto '98

Protecting the Environment

Effective policy interventions in the environment will have both a national and an international dimension. Pollution of the air and contamination of the seas do not stop at national borders.

It is the SDLP’s view that national and international policy must work in harmony and on the basis of the following principles.

The principle of social justice must be applied in the implementation of environmental polices at all levels, nationally and internationally.

Secondly the principle of harmony. Policies on social and economic development need to harmonise with the self-sustaining and regenerating processes of the bio-sphere.

Thirdly the principle of sustainability to ensure that development does not degrade our environment.

Fourthly the principle of bio-diversity to sustain the natural eco-systems and habitats, the wilderness, and ultimately the life support systems of the planet.

In the new Administration the SDLP will work for:

ˇ the maintenance of clean air and water.

ˇ the protection of existing wilderness, native habitats, countryside, landscape and wildlife.

ˇ the development and improvement in bio-diversity by creating natural (native) habitats for wildlife, recreation and leisure.

ˇ the efficient and effective use of natural resources such as water and land and the elimination of wasteful processes.

ˇ action to maintain macro life support systems- climate and air.

ˇ maintenance and protection of existing wilderness.

ˇ effective management of waste.

ˇ protection of landscape.

ˇ efficient use of all resources by re-cycling.

ˇ an end to the use of nuclear power in the production of energy and the closure of Sellafield nuclear plant.



Housing must be part of any serious plan designed to tackle poverty, marginalisation and social exclusion. An effective housing strategy will address three broad areas, housing, policy, funding and housing administration.

The SDLP believes that the system of housing administration, centred on the Housing Executive, has been fair and effective in the delivery of a housing service.

In the new Administration the SDLP will work for:

ˇ the Housing Executive to remain as the single comprehensive housing authority for Northern Ireland, assessing need and building, managing and allocating houses on the basis of need and priority

ˇ effective regulatory control of housing associations by the Housing Executive to cover rent levels, standards and quality of dwellings and the allocation of houses

ˇ the allocation of all public sector housing, including that of the housing associations as well as those of the Housing Executive through a single waiting list and single selection scheme controlled and managed by the Housing Executive

ˇ policies to ensure high quality and standards in the building, maintenance and improvements of all dwellings

ˇ restoration of the Housing Executive budget

ˇ an adequate new build budget for the Housing Executive

ˇ adequate help with mortgage re-payments for owner-occupiers who become unemployed

ˇ increased security of tenure in the private rented furnished sector

ˇ policies and programmes to improve rural housing conditions

ˇ an end to mixed funding for housing associations because of its potential negative impact on rent levels and the quality and space standards in housing

ˇ a low rent policy in public sector housing

ˇ an end to plans to dismantle the existing legislation on homelessness

ˇ an end to the transfer of Housing Executive new build schemes to housing associations

ˇ an end to compulsory competitive tendering of Housing Executive housing management

ˇ an end to capping of housing benefits for private sector tenants


Equality and Partnership

[Dividing Line Image]

Contact Information

Telephone (+44) (0)1232 247700
FAX (+44) (0)1232 236699
Postal address 121 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 1SH
Electronic mail sdlp@indigo.ie
Páirtí Sóisialta
an Lucht Oibre

Social Democratic & Labour Party

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Last modified: November 09, 1999