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Labour union founded in Ankara on September 5, 1963 to operate in the energy branch; affiliated to DISK and ICEM (International Confederation of Chemical, Energy, Mining and Service Workers). The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Sükrü Tanir, Nevzat Sevil, Ahmet Güclü, Ahmet Gedik, Beytullah Geven and 11 other energy workers. The union held general assembly meetings: in November 1967, December 1971, on 2-3.11.1974 (extraordinary), 10-12.9.1975, 17-18.6.1977, 25.4.1979, 28-29.3.1992 and 18-19.3.1995. The present board of the union is composed of Selahattin Sayin (chairman), Bahattin Aslan, Dogan Celik, Tahir Güzel. The union was independent until 1974 when it decided to affiliate to DISK. Its name was Tek-Is until 1977 when it merged with Ges-Is, another DISK affiliate in the energy branch. The unification was realized by means of the joining of Ges-Is to Tek-Is, which then changed its name to Tekges-Is. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union does not have any branches of periodical publications. It reported 3,030 members in 1976, 8,742 in 1979, 35 in 1996 and in 1997 it is reported that almost no member has left.
Labour union founded in Istanbul on October 21, 1965 to operate in the textile branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Tekstil Örme ve Giyim Sanayii Iscileri Sendikasi (Union of Textile, Knitwear and Garment Industry Workers of Istanbul); affiliated to DISK and ITGLWF (International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation). The union is based in Istanbul and its founders include Alaaddin Büyükdere (temporary chairman), Hüdaverdi Talay, Orhan Seyfi Soysal, Mehmet Altinbilek, Ömer Karaaslan, Faik Gültekin, Orhan Cokdiker and Mehmet Cagdas, all of them previously Teksif union members. The union held general assembly meetings on: 21.11.1965, 21.12.1967, 31,3.1968, 8-9.11.1969, 11.12.1971, 30-31.1.1975, 7-11.2.1979, in March 1980, on 15.12.1991, 8-9.2.1992, 22.8.1992 (extraordinary), 10-11.7.1993 (extraordinary), 26.9.1993 (extraordinary), 2-3.7.1994 and 30-31 May 1997. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Ridvan Budak (chairman), Süleyman Celebi (general secretary), Dervis Kaplan (deputy chairman), Selim Omay (finance secretary), Hüseyin Kayabasi (collective bargaining secretary), Muzaffer Subasi (education secretary) and Kazim Dogan (women, children and young workers department). It is a member of ITGWF and TSI. In 1963 the Türk-Is affiliated Teksif Federation was converted into a national type of union. At the second congress of the new Teksif Union on 18.8.1965 a group from the Istanbul branch broke away from the union because of internal conflicts and founded the Union of Textile, Knitwear and Garment Industry Workers of Istanbul. The union adopted its present name in 1968 and decided to affiliate to DISK in 1975. In 1978 internal conflicts arose inside the union, mainly as a consequence of the disputes in DISK. The union was put under trusteeship for a period by the labour court. The general assembly meeting was delayed and when it was finally held in February 1979, Riza Güven who had been the chairman of the union since 1965 was replaced by Ridvan Budak. In 1980 the union waged strikes in 55 workplaces. Only two of these could be resolved through agreement prior to the military coup, the others were banned by the military government. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union has branches in Istanbul Mecidiyeköy (No.1), Istanbul Aksaray (No.29), Bursa, Edirne, Cukobirlik, Menda, Teksa, Bossa, Ceyhan, Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep, and regional representative offices in Antalya, Cerkezköy, Adana, Tarsus, Izmir and Ankara. It has three periodical publications called Tekstil Basin Ajansi", Tekstil Aylik Haber Dergisi" and Tekstil-Haber". It reported 15,574 members in 1970, 44,506 in 1979, 45,851 in 1995 and 51,797 in 1997.
AGRICULTURE AND FOREST WORKERS Labour union founded in Konya on December 5, 1963 to operate in the agriculture and forestry branch, originally under the name of Top Su Köy Tar-Is (Union of Land, Water and Agriculture Workers); affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Necati Degirmendere (temporary chairman) and 14 other workers employed in the Land and Water Administration. The union held general assembly meetings on; 14.2.1965, 4- 6.5.1967, 5-7.5.1969, 8-10.7.1972, 7.1.1973 (extraordinary), 7.12.1974, 24-26.8.1975, 19.8.1976 (extraordinary), 7.11.1978, 13-14.1.1979, 30.1.1979 (extraordinary), 23-24.2.1980, 21.12.1991 (extraordinary), 11-12.4.1992, 17-18.7.1993 and 14-15.1.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Ahmet Agar (chairman), Cumali Cakmakli, Hüseyin Tursun, Erdogan Yilmaz and Ali Efe. The union moved its headquarters to Ankara in 1965 and in 1967 changed its name to TIS (Union of Land and Water Administration and Agriculture Workers of Turkey). In 1971 the independent Yeni Tarim-Is union joined TIS. The same year the disciplinary committee of the union expelled chairman Tuncer Kocamanoglu and two other officers from the union on the allegation that they had committed fraud. Mahmut Gündüzbey was appointed chairman. Kocamanoglu founded afterwards the Devrimci Toprak-Is Union in the same branch, which later affiliated to DISK. In December 1973 Tartop Su-Is, based in Manisa, joined TIS. The general assembly meeting that convened in August 1975 rejected a proposal concerning affiliation to DISK, but the following year the union decided in favour of this affiliation. In 1978 and 1979 efforts were spent for the unification of TIS and Devrimci Toprak-Is, the two DISK affiliates in this branch, and a resolution was adopted accordingly at the TIS congress in January 1979, but the decision was never implemented and the two unions continued their existence as separate entities. TIS criticised Devrimci Toprak-Is for the failure of the unification attempts. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. In 1993 TIS and Devrimci Toprak-Is were finally unified, and the union adopted its present name. TIS has 15 branches. The union publishes a periodical journal called Hasat Günleri", and it has passed the 10% membership limit. It reported 225 members in 1997.
Labour union founded in Istanbul on December 25, 1971 to operate in the paper branch, originally under the name of Marmara Bölgesi Tüm Kagit ve Selüloz Sanayii Iscileri Sendikasi (Union of All Paper and Cellulose Industry Workers of Region); affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Ömer Özcan, Ahmet Ekmekci, Hüseyin Yazici, Selim Demirbag, Ahmet Yazici, Melahat Cancaoglu and Ergün Yavuz. The union held general assembly meetings on: 24.12.1972, 19.1.1975, 16.11.1975, 25-26.2.1978, 31.12.1979, 24.4.1980, 15.12.1991 (extraordinary), 29.2-1.3.1992 and 20-21.5.1995. The board is composed of Selahattin Atak (chairman), Ali Ihsan Efe, Rahmi Akkus, Erol Ergören and Yasar Söylemez. The union affiliated to DISK in 1972 and changed its name to its present form in 1975. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications. It reported 96 members in 1975, 1,300 in 1979 and 3,135 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Ankara on February 16, 1973 to operate in the communications branch, originally under the name of Türkiye Yeni Haber-Is; affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Eyüp Sihhatli (temporary chairman), Muharrem Ikitimur, Ali Özdemir, Halit Ulas, Nurettin Sönmez, Ibrahim Kilic, Teoman Sözer, Ugur Ileri, Mustafa Dogan, Sabri Isik, Mecit Yegin, Avni Kotan, Muzaffer Sivel, Cavit Köse, Ismail Karadogan, Kadir Ataman, Ali Memis and Mustafa Cengiz Acar. The union held general assembly meetings on 3.3.1973, 8-9.6.1974 (extraordinary), 7-8.3.1975, 22-24.8.1977, 19.10.1978 (extraordinary), 16.7.1978 (extraordinary), 4-5.4.1980, 26.1.1992 (extraordinary), 21-22.3.1992 and 25-26.6.1994. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Atilla Ilhan (chairman), Erdogan Unal, Ekrem Karaca, Saffet Zengin and Ömer Kasap. In 1973 the union signed a collective labour contract on a branch level for all workers in PTT (Post, Telephone and Telegraph Services) and TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Institution). However, the government issued a new regulation changing the status of some of the PTT employees to civil servant. The union appealed this move to the Supreme Court of Arbitration (SCA) which decided in favour of the union, but the government disregarded the SCA decision. The union then waged a strike in protest and stopped all postal services in the major provinces of Turkey. The strike ended when the Prime Minister promised that the SCA decision would form the basis of the resolution of the crisis. Yeni Haber-Is decided to affiliate to DISK in 1975. In 1976, PTT workers in Istanbul went on strike when the collective negotiations broke down. The strike lasted 96 days and finally an agreement was reached. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications. It reported 2,970 members in 1979, but it was not able to pass the 10% membership limit after it was reopened. The union reported 50 members in 1997.
Labour union founded in Ankara on July 20, 1975 to operate in the mining branch; affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Cetin Uygur (temporary chairman), Semsi Ercan, Mehmet Koc, Mehmet Karaca and 15 other mine workers. The union held general assembly meetings on: 2.8.1976, 2- 3.8.1979, 11-12.3.1992 and 11-12.3.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Cetin Uygur (chairman), Duran Gülhan, O. Fahri Sanli and Mehmet Kirimli. In 1976 Türk-Is affiliate Amasya ve Havalisi Maden iscileri Sendikasi (Union of Mine Workers in Amasya and Environs) joined Yeralti Maden-Is. Yeralti Maden-Is was the first union to wage a strike in Turkey in the private mining sector. The strike took place between 5-28.5.1976 at the Yeni Celtek mines and ended with an agreement. In 1977 an armed attack was organized to expel the union from the Yeni Celtek mines, and 5 persons died as a result. The union called strikes at the Askale and Hekimhan mines in 1977. The latter action lasted over 16 months and ended through the arbitration of the government. The union affiliated to DISK in 1978. However in November 1978 Yeralti Maden-Is and several other unions were taken to the disciplinary committee for shouting slogans contrary to those decided on by DISK leadership at a meeting of the confederation, and both the union and some of its officers were temporarily expelled from DISK. In 1980 the collective negotiations at the Yeni Celtek mines again broke down. As a result the workers occupied the mines and overtook the management. They announced to the press afterwards that the enterprise had increased its profits under the administration of the workers. This action was terminated by the military government in 1980. 938 miners were tried in martial law courts for this action and 391 were sentenced to various prison terms. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. It has a central representative office in Zonguldak. The union has two periodical publications: Maden Iscisinin Sesi" and Yeralti Maden-Is Haber Bülteni". It reported 980 members in 1976, 12,000 in 1980 and 243 in 1997. Since its reopening it has not been able to exceed the 10% membership limit. © Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition fes-library | November 1998 |