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Labour union founded in Istanbul on April 4, 1949 to operate in the rubber branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Lastik ve Kaucuk Iscileri Sendikasi (Union of Rubber and Indian Rubber Workers of Istanbul); affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Ahmet Saygi, Ali Sarsilmaz, Hakki Cesur, Nevzat Akdeniz, Abdurrahman Yavuz, Hamdi Erkan, Osman Milac, Hasan Uluc, Mehmet Tunali, Hayri Kantoglu and Hüseyin Magaray. The union held general assembly meetings on: 26,9.1949, 1.10.1950, 30.9.1951, 18.5.1952 (extraordinary), 30.11.1952, in 1953, February 1954, 1956, on 11.5.1957, 17.5.1958, 7.11.1959, 16.2.1961, 16.12.1961, 22.6.1963, 21.12.1963, 12-14.2.1966, 1-2.2.1967 (extraordinary), 11-13.2.1968, 10-11.2.1970, 4-5.4.1972, 16-17.5.1974, in 1976, on 27-28.6.1977, 28-30.5.1980, 24- 25.1.1992, 2-3.4.1994 and 21-22.10.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Vahdettin Karabay (chairman), Halil Altunay, Ali Aksen, Irfan Gümrük, Esat Gürevin, Cemal Celik and Ömer Lütfü Sahin. In its early years the union was assisted by Gida-Is in its organizational activities, which accelerated particularly after the first congress. It encountered, on the other hand, severe repressions from the part of the employers and in fact one founding member of the union had to leave Istanbul because of these persecutions. In 1951 disputes arose inside the union and these led to the withdrawal of a group who founded a separate union in July 1954. The second union was supported by the ruling Democratic Party and caused a split among the workers in this branch. Already at the first congress of this union some delegates stressed the need for a reunification and a resolution was adopted towards this objective. However the two unions could first be united in 1961. Lastik-Is affiliated to Türk-Is in February 1961. The strike waged by Lastik-Is members at the Derby Rubber Factory in 1962 has an important place in the Turkish trade union movement. The leaders of the union were indicted on the grounds that strikes were not allowed by the law. Lastik-Is, however, took the matter to the Constitutional Court which ruled that the ban on strikes in the Labour Code conflicted with the Constitution and annulled the relevant article in the Labour Code. Lastik-Is also signed the first legal collective labour contract in Turkey on 2.9.1963 with the Saik Rubber Factory. The disagreements between Lastik-Is and Türk-Is began to manifest themselves already in 1963. One of the main reasons for the conflict was that, in contrast to the non-partisan policy of Türk-Is, Lastik-Is chairman Riza Kuas had become one of the founders of the Turkish Workers Party. Lastik-Is was one of the unions that were temporarily expelled from Türk-Is for supporting the strike at the Pasabahce Glass Factory and was a founding member of first SADA (Inter-Union Solidarity Agreement) and then DISK. In 1968 the Derby Rubber Factory became the venue of another important workers action. When the employer wanted to conduct the collective negotiations with the rival Kaucuk-Is union, 1600 workers occupied the factory on 4.7.1968. Judges from the labour court came to the factory and carried out a referendum in an occupied enterprise for the first time in Turkey. 930 of the workers voted for Lastik-Is, thus making it the authorized union to sign the collective labour contract. The majority of Lastik-Is members participated in the protests that took place on June 15-16, 1970. When the employer at the Gislaved plant attempted to punish the workers who took part in the actions by impounding 5 days wages, the workers occupied the factory. Police entered the plant by demolishing the walls and killing one worker in the process. Riza Kuas, who had served as the chairman of the union since 1954, became ill in 1974 and was forced to retire, but the general assemblies continued to elect him as their symbolic chairman. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980. 68 of its officers were arrested, tortured and put on trial. It was able to resume its activities in 1991. However, in this 11-year interval an important part of Lastik-Is members had joined the Türk-Is affiliated Petrol-Is or the independent Laspetkim-Is. Laspetkim-Is became a DISK member in 1992. As a consequence there were 3 DISK affiliates in the same branch, including Petkim-Is (which originally organized petroleum workers, but the new regulations combined the petroleum and rubber branches). In October 1993 Lastik-Is and Laspetkim-Is reached an agreement for the amalgamation of the two unions. The unification was finally realized at the general assembly meeting in October 1995, which was the first congress of the new and the 22nd congress of the old Lastik-Is. The union has branches in Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Kartal, Yalova, Izmir and Adana, and regional representative offices in Gaziantep and Cerkezköy. It reported 800 members in 1951, 600 in 1956, 900 in 1958, 14,000 in 1970, 15,000 in 1980, 25,881 in 1996 and 24,415 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Istanbul on September 17, 1976 to operate in the shipping branch; affiliated to DISK and IMF (International Metal Workers Federation). The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Emir Babakus (temporary chairman), Hidir Sahin, Sükrü Degerli, Serif Kaya, Fuat Ates, Yurdaes Atakli and Nurettin Cöker. The union adopted a decision for affiliation to DISK and IMF at its first general assembly meeting in June 1977. Its most noteworthy activity in that period was the strike that it waged at the Marmara Dockyards in 1979. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980. Its chairman Emir Babakus was arrested and served a long prison term. The union resumed its activities in 1991. That year it attracted public attention with its campaign against the dismantling at the dockyards in Tuzla, Istanbul of an old American ship built with asbestos. The board elected at its 7th congress in 1995 is composed of Aydin Kilicdere (chairman), Hüseyin Koclu, Hayrettin Bektas, Abbas Köse and Pasa Tektas. The union is one of the smallest DISK affiliates and it does not have any branches or periodical publications. It reported 133 members in 1996 and 73 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Ankara on 12.5.1996 to operate in journalism branch; affiliated to DISK, IFJ(International Federation of Journalists), MEI (Media and Entertainment International) and EUROMEI; (Europe Media and Entertainment International) originally under the name of Medya, Iletisim, Basin Yayin Iscileri Sendikasi (Union of Media, Commications, Printing and Publishing Workers). The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Mete Gönültas, Zeki Saral, Mustafa Celil Erdogan, Erden Anilan, Yasemin Öztürk, Necmettin Kurucu, Ismail Akman, Ali Fuat Demir, Cüneyt Alphan, Ilhan Turan and Özden Bayram. The charter of the union states that it is based on the principle of class and mass unionism, that it defends the right of the public to receive information without any restrictions and supports universal rights and freedoms, and that it shall work for the improvement of the professional and social status of journalists. The board elected at the last congress which was held in 1997 is composed of Mete Gönültas (chairman), Yasemin Öztürk (general secretary), Veli Özdemir, Ilhan Turan and Özden Unal. The present name of the union was also adopted at this congress. Özden Unal resigned from the board and was replaced by Alaettin Orhan. The union reported 354 members. The union has 8 representatives in Istanbul (2), Izmir, Adana, Bursa, Ankara, Antakya and Bursa, but no branches or periodical publications.
Labour union founded in Istanbul on June 18, 1975 to operate in the land transport branch, originally under the name of Istanbul Devrimci Deniz ve Kara Tekel Nakliyat Iscileri Sendikasi (Progressive Union of Tekel Sea and Land Transport Workers of Istanbul); affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by transport workers employed at the Cibali enterprise of Tekel (Turkish Tobacco Monopoly). The union held general assembly meetings on: 30.11.1975, 6.11.1977, in April 1980, 18.10.1972 (extraordinary) and 14- 15.1.1995. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Ali Riza Kücükosmanoglu (chairman), Zeki Olkun (general secretary) and Sükrü Cavus, Abdülaziz Kaya, Ahmet Ucar, Fikri Ciftci, Hayda Iscanoglu and Kamil Dincu as members. The union deleted the word Tekel" from its name already at its first congress, adopting a decision at the same time for affiliation to DISK. As a result of the conflicts inside the union two separate general assembly meetings were held in 1977 and the matter had to be resolved in court. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980. 35 of its officers were arrested and sat in prison for up to 4 years. It resumed its activities in 1991. At the congress in 1992 a decision was adopted for joining Tümtis union. However, some union members and DISK appealed this decision to the law claiming that it had been taken without the necessary quorum and the court ruled in their favour. The board of the union later accused Tümtis of trying to seize their union in an opportunistic manner. The union publishes a journal called Nakliyat-Is". It has branches in Ankara and Izmir and reported 7,208 members in 1995, and 8,365 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Ankara on July 7, 1969 to operate in the hotel, restaurant and entertainment facilities branch; affiliated to DISK and IUF (International Federation of Workers in Food and Related Sectors). The union was founded by Mukbil Zirtiloglu (temporary chairman), Nusret Aydin, Ali Özarkalioglu, Ali Demir, Ali Kocaman and 18 other unionists. The union held general assembly meetings on: 22-24.10.1971, 23-24.5.1974, 1-3.11.1976, 10.9.1977 (extraordinary), 28.6-1.7.1979, 21.12.1991, 28-29.3.1992, 24.5.1992, 7-8.8.1993, 2-3.7.1994 and 16-17.12.1997 (extraordinary). The board elected at the last congress is composed of Enver Öktem (chairman), Veysel Cukur (general secretary), Mehmet Kahramanoglu, Süleyman Dogan, Saban Aydin, Temel Akkaya, M. Ali Akpinar, Rida Ogultarhan and Zeki Karadaglar. The creation of the union was a result of the Türk-Is resolution to convert its member federations into national type of unions. Accordingly, the various Oleyis" unions that were affiliated to the Toleyis Federation abolished this Federation and founded Oleyis. The new union was admitted to Türk-Is membership on 1.9.1969. The old unions abolished themselves and turned into branches of Oleyis. In 1971 Oleyis was one of the unions that prepared and submitted to Türk-Is leadership the so-called Report of 12" that was entitled Social Democratic Order for the Turkish Workers Movement". The union experienced internal conflicts between 1974-1976. Servet Sofuoglu who had acted as general secretary resigned from the union when he was not reelected at the congress in 1976 and the next year became the chairman of the rival Oreyis (later Toleyis) union that was founded in January 1977. In April 1977 the board of the union decided to recommend its members to support the social democratic CHP in the forthcoming elections and to withdraw from Türk-Is. The same year it took part for the first time in the First of May rally organized by DISK. The affiliation to DISK was realized in September 1977. As a consequence of the DISK policy of one union in each branch", the old DISK affiliate in this branch, Turizm-Is, abolished itself in March 1978 and joined Oleyis. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980 and its officers were arrested. Some members of Oleyis formed a solidarity group to assist the families of the imprisoned union members, but they were also arrested one year later. The union resumed its activities in 1991. In 1992 the Istanbul based Yeni Oleyis and Tursan-Is unions joined Oleyis. The union has 11 regional offices (Central Anatolia, Western Marmara, Istanbul, Istanbul Sirinevler, Aegean Region, Southern Marmara, Antalya, Manavgat, Eastern Mediterranean Region, Southeast Anatolia, Black Sea Region) and it reported 50,000 members in 1977, 24,826 in 1995 and 26,087 in 1997. It publishes a mothly periodical called OLEYIS".
Labour union founded in Ankara on September 9, 1965 to operate in the petroleum, chemicals and rubber branch; affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by Mehmet Bozruc, Zekai Tugcu, Mehmet Kilinc, Mehmet Uzbek and Kemal Icöz. The union held general assembly meetings on: 19.1.1975 (extraordinary), 14-16.6.1976, in 1978, on 14-16.4.1979, 12- 13.4.1980, 29.2-1.3.1992, 17-18.12.1994 and 10-11.5.1997. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Mustafa Karadayi (chairman), Dervis Serin, Mustafa Tunckol, Muzaffer Bedük and Turan Tanyel. The Federation of Unions of Petroleum Workers of Turkey that was founded in 1963 decided at its general assembly meeting on 18.6.1965 to abolish the federation in order to achieve unity in the branch, and to consign the assets of the federation to the national type of union to be established. Pursuant to this decision the leaders of some of the federations member unions founded Petkim-Is. The union remained independent for about ten years, but at its general assembly meeting in 1975 a resolution was adopted for affiliation to DISK. In 1976 the independent Atom-Is union abolished itself and joined Petkim-Is. The same year DISK formed a commission to arrange the unification of its two affiliates in the same branch: Petkim-Is and Petrol Kimya-Is. The unification was realized through Petrol Kimya-Is abolishing itself and joining Petkim-Is. However, the leadership of the union later expelled almost all officers of Petrol Kimya-Is from Petkim-Is. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union does not have any branches or periodical publications and it reported 4,000 members in 1975, 12,000 in 1980, 18,315 in 1996 and 19,469 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Istanbul on January 5, 1978 to operate in the commerce, office, education and fine arts branch; affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Istanbul and was founded by Necati Buvan, Cumali Cingü, Ekrem Ulgey, Seref Yilmaz, Mevlüt Ekinci (temporary chairman), Seyfettin Yilmaz, Halil Dedeoglu, Aydin Sayman, Semra Özdamar, Cüneyt Arkin, Ihsan Bayraktaroglu and Zafer Par. The union held general assembly meetings on: 14.1.1979, 4.2.1980, 14.12.1991, 7-8.3.1992 and 8.5.1994. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Necmettin Cobanoglu, Muzaffer Hicdurmaz, Yusuf Nimet Cetin, Aysegül Gökce, Hüseyin Kuzu, Sennur Sürer and Ali Yayli. The foundation of the union goes back to a joint march to Ankara in November 1977 by various associations of those employed in the cinema branch to convey their demands to the government. The founders of the union decided to join DISK at their meeting on 7.8.1978. DISK accepted this application on condition that Sine-Sen merged with another union in the same branch: TFIS (Film Workers of Turkey). The two unions accordingly held unification talks and in March 1980 TFIS dissolved itself to join Sine-Sen. In 1980 Sine-Sen was one of the 11 unions that left the DISK congress in protest and made a declaration to the press accusing DISK of reformism. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. The union reported 690 members in 1979, 31 in 1996 and 31 in 1997.
Labour union founded in Ankara on December 10, 1966 to operate in the commerce, office, education and fine arts branch; affiliated to DISK. The union is based in Ankara and was founded by 64 workers employed at the Social Insurance Institution (SSK). The temporary board of the union was composed of Yunus Isik (chairman), Vedat Yarkin, Suavi Savci, E. Sena Cinar, Hayrettin Dündar, Turan Güreli, Erol Saracoglu and Sedat Polat. The union held general assembly meetings on: 16-17.4.1967, 28-29.1.1968 (extraordinary), 21.4.1969, 23-24.4.1971, 4-6.8.1972 (extraordinary), 29-31.5.1974, 16-18.5.1976, 16-18.6.1977, 7.8.1977 (extraordinary), 7-8.7.1979 (extraordinary), 11- 12.4.1992, 19-20.6.1993 (extraordinary), 25-26.6.1994 and 28-29.6.1997. The board elected at the last congress is composed of Özcan Kesgec (chairman) Tamer Atis (general secretary), Mücahit Iskut, Ali Canci, Metin Bapir. Sosyal-Is waged a strike at 50 SSK workplaces in 1967 when the collective negotiations with the employer broke down. This was the first strike waged by people termed as civil servants" through a labour union. The strike lasted for more than 3 months and ended with an agreement. Sosyal-Is adopted the principle that its officers would not be paid any fees, and all union leaders worked voluntarily until 1969 when general secretary Özcan Kesgec left his job to work full-time for the union. In 1972 the union was converted from a company into a branch union, and it started organizing in enterprises other than SSK. In 1974 it decided to affiliate to DISK. In the following years, Ant-Sen, Bilim-Is and Dev Tiftik-Is unions joined Sosyal-Is. In 1976 DISK requested the unification of its four members in this industrial branch. When this unification did not take place, DISK sent a letter to Sosyal-Is informing that it had automatically lost its membership status. Sosyal-Is appealed this decision in court and obtained a ruling in its own favour. However, relations with DISK remained strained and the matter was finally resolved after the DISK congress in December 1977 when Abdullah Bastürk and his team came to the leadership. In 1979 Sosyal-Is started a cooperation with Bank-Sen and Türk-Is affiliate Tez Büro-Is for the improvement of the conditions of the workers in this branch. The activities of the union were suspended by the National Security Council on 12.9.1980, and it could first be reopened in 1991. In June 1993 Findik-Is union joined Sosyal-Is. The union has branches in Ankara, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Adana, Izmir, and Antalya. It reported 6,000 members in 1967, 11.720 in 1974, 26,985 in 1996 and 29,012 in 1997. It publishes a monthly periodical called Sosyal-Is Dergisi" © Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition fes-library | November 1998 |