CL "PODKREPA" program. - [Sofia, ca. 1990]. - 14 S. = 40 Kb, Text
Electronic ed.: Bonn: FES Library, 1999


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The fundamental structuring principle of CL "PODKREPA" at all levels is the principle of mandatory double affiliation. Only in such a way the representative functions of the union may be realised. Simultaneous affiliation to branch (professional) and regional structures solves the problem of full representation in the process of collective bargaining. In this way all organisational and financial problems which have often been a source of contradiction in the organisation are solved. The regional professional trade union is the unifying structure of the professional and regional representation.

Through the principle of mandatory double affiliation, two basic program objectives of the Confederation are resolved:

At the same time the principle for representation in the Confederative Council is also resolved as the membership quota is equally devided between regional and professional structures.

The fulfilment of the principle of trade union solidarity and CL "PODKREPA" motto and the elimination of tension between regional and professional structures, require strict adherence to the adopted major functions: