MISA transparency assessment : The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa / by the Media Institute of Southern Africa. - Windhoek : Media Institute of Southern Africa ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, 2023 [and earlier]
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2023 [and earlier]
MISA transparency assessment 2023 : The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa / by the Media Institute of Southern Africa. - Harare ; Windhoek : Media Institute of Southern Africa ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, 2023. - 127 Seiten = 1,7 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2023
ISBN 978-99945-56-30-4
MISA transparency assessment 2020 : The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa / by the Media Institute of Southern Africa. - Lusaka ; Windhoek : Media Institute of Southern Africa ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, 2020. - 198 Seiten = 2,3 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2020
ISBN 978-99945-77-88-0
MISA transparency assessment : The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa / by the Media Institute of Southern Africa. - Windhoek : Media Institute of Southern Africa ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, 2017. - 129 Seiten = 1,4 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2018
MISA transparency assessment : 2016 report on open & secretive public institutions in Southern Africa / by the Media Institute of Southern Africa. - Windhoek : Media Institute of Southern Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, 2016. - 118 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2017
ISBN 978-99945-77-42-2