Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Apton Phiri, Daniel
Towards the just city in Zambia : Issues paper / Report prepared by Daniel Apton Phiri. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, [2022]. - 45 Seiten = 7,5 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2022

African media barometer : A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Zambia 2021 / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zambia Office, MISA Zambia. - Windhoek : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) fesmedia Africa, [2021]. - 56 Seiten = 2,8 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Zambia : FES, 2021
ISBN 978-99945-77-90-3

Kabelenga, Isaac; Chola, James
Building universal and sustainable social protection mechanisms for informal economy workers in Zambia : Social protection and COVID-19: impacts on informal economy workers in rural and urban Zambia / By Dr. Isaac Kabelenga (PhD) (Principal Investigator), James Chola (Mr) (Co-Investigator). - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, 2021. - 145 Seiten = 2,3 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2021

Kalusopa, Trywell; Koyi, Grayson; Phiri, Francis J.
Rights-based social protection in Africa : Baseline study to map existing informal economy structures in Zambia and their specific needs, report for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / by Trywell Kalusopa, Grayson Koyi, Francis J. Phiri. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, 2020. - 78 Seiten = 2,8 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2021

Zoheb, Khan
Rights-based social protection in Africa : Developing gender-sensititve social protection in Africa: insights from South Africa's child support grant / Brief authored by: Khan Zoheb, Centre for Social Development in Africa, University of Johannesburg. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, 2020. - 14 Seiten = 195 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2021

Seekings, Jeremy
Rights-based social protection in Africa : A review of approaches, challenges and possibilities, report for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Jeremy Seekings, University of Cape Town. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, May 2018. - 37 Seiten = 570 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2021

Seekings, Jeremy
Rights-based social protection in Africa : A review of approaches, challenges and possibilities, report for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / Jeremy Seekings, University of Cape Town. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zambia Office, May 2018. - 148 Seiten = 2 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2021

African media barometer : the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Zambia 2017 / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zambia Office, fesmedia Africa, MISA Regional Secretariat. - Windhoek : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung fesmedia Africa, [2017]. - 69 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Zambia : FES, 2018
ISBN 978-99945-77-45-3

African media barometer : the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Zambia 2013 / [Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, fesmedia Africa ...]. - Windhoek, [2014]. - 75 S. = 1 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek : FES, 2014
ISBN 978-99945-77-12-5

Kumitz, Daniel
Scoping social protection : platform for social protection Zambia policy brief / Daniel Kumitz. - Lusaka : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Zambia Office, 2013. - 28 Seiten = 1,2 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2016
ISBN 978-9982-9973-1-7

Bitso, Bitso Paul
Building policy coherence between social protection floors and national social and economic development strategies : conference report ; SADC Employment and Labour Sector, Tripartite Technical Sub-Committee on Social Protection meeting 14-15 May 2012, Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg / author of the report: Bitso Paul Bitso (Pretoria, South Africa). - Lusaka : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zambia Office, [2012?]
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2016
ISBN 978-9982-9973-0-0

African media barometer : the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Zambia 2011 / [Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, fesmedia Africa ...]. - Windhoek, [2011]. - 72 S. = 1,2 MB PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Windhoek ; Bonn : FES, 2011
ISBN 978-99916-873-6-0

Report on the Zambia National Energy Policy Conference held at Mulungushi Conference Center from 28 to 29 March 2004. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, [2004]. - 150 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2004

Kantumoya, Leonard M.
Investigative reporting in Zambia : a practitioner's handbook / by Leonard M. Kantumoya. - Lusaka : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2004. - 139 S. = 1200 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2004. - Layout of the online version does not correspond to the print ed.

Employment promotion by trade unions in Zambia : a strategic approach / Zambia Congress of Trade Unions ... [Ed.: Charles Muchimba ...]. - Kitwe, 2004. - 120 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Kitwe : FES, 2004. - Layout of the online version does not correspond to the print ed.

Schultheiß, Michael
Die Funktionen zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements für die demokratische Transformation in Afrika - am Beispiel Sambias : Sachbericht / von Michael Schultheiß. - Lusaka, 2004. - 70 KB, PDF-File. - ([Sachbericht] / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Referat Afrika)
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2004. - Only online available

Pillay, Pundy
The role of the state in economic development in Southern Africa / by Pundy Pillay. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Development Policy, 2003. - 220 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization)
Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2003. - Original print ed.: Lusaka : FES Office, 2002

Nyirenda, E. J.; Shikwe, Adrian
Trade union country Report Zambia / Authors: E. J. Nyirenda ; Adrian Shikwe. - Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2003. - 150 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2003

FES/TUAC Workshop on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises : with support of the European Commission ; Holida Inn, Lusaka, Zambia 6-7 October, 2003 / comp. by Adrian Shikwe. - [Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2003]. - 50 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2003

Habasonda, Lee
Globalisation and socio-economic development in the small economies of Africa : workshop proceedings 22-23rd September, 2003 at Intercontinental Hotel, Lusaka / by Lee Habasonda. - [Lusaka : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2003]. - 80 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2003

The Cotonou-Agreement between the European Union and the African, Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) Countries : creating a private sector/GRZ dialogue to use the oppotunities ; report on the Conference on the ACP-EU Cotonou-Agreement held at Pamodzi Hotel on Wednesday 15th May 2002. - Lusaka : [Friedrich Ebert Stiftung], 2002. - 95 KB, PDF-File. -
Electronic ed.: Lusaka : FES, 2002. - Title only available online

Banda, Darlington Amos
The trade union situation in Zambia : an overwiew of the law, practice and the way forward ; a monogram / by Darlington Amos Banda. - Lusaka : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 1997. - VIII, 36 S. = 125 Kb, Text. -
Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES Library, 1999

African Media Barometer - Zambia. - Windhoek : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, fesmedia Africa zambia&t_listen=x&sortierung=jab

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