
Brisbane Anti-War Rally Address
Simon Crean - Leader of the Opposition
Transcript - Brisbane - 16 February 2003
Check Against Delivery
Thanks very much, Jim. It is a great pleasure to accept your invitation and be at this magnificent rally today. Well done, Brisbane, in turning out to show your support for the peaceful outcome in relation to the disarmament of Iraq.
I'm here today because I'm opposed to a US-led unilateral attack on Iraq, which John Howard seems to have locked himself into. I am here today because we have to get behind the United Nations' process in the resolution and the disarmament of Iraq, because, in getting behind the United Nations, it's the only way in which we can achieve that disarmament in peaceful terms. And that's the direction that you want to go. This is the vehicle through which we have to go.
And I am here today because I am sick and tired of the Prime Minister saying he is on a peace mission when he only goes to talk about war. If he wants to go on the peace mission, why isn't he here today? Why hasn't he been listening to the people in Melbourne on Friday night, in Sydney today, in Adelaide today, in other parts of the country yesterday? They're turning out in their hundreds of thousands to say, ‘We do not support the way John Howard is tackling this issue.' And that message has to be sent well and truly home to him.
You've heard the argument was that the United Nations had no teeth, that it was not capable of addressing this issue. Resolution 1441 of the United Nations well and truly nailed that lie. It was a unanimous resolution, a unanimous resolution that said Iraq had to be disarmed, but the issue had to be addressed through the United Nations. This issue, for me, is about saying we won't back any attack on Iraq that doesn't have the United Nations' backing – and that, I most strongly argue.
I know that there will be people here today that say that there should be no basis, under any circumstances. I say this to you: disarmament has to be achieved if we are to secure peace. Disarmament has to be achieved. The way to no war is to get behind the UN process – that's what's involved.
I also say to you: let's send the strongest of messages possible today. The message that says no to unilateral attacks by the US, that has John Howard saying that we will not back anything whereby you go in on your own against Iraq. What we want is the peaceful resolution, and the only basis upon which the peaceful resolution can be achieved is going through the United Nations. I urge you all to get behind that cause, all to get behind that cause, and to send the message to John Howard: we will not support unilateral action led by the US.
Thank you very much, and continue the struggle, continue to fight, and send the message to Canberra. Thank you.