Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Other Service Offers

Reading Room Offers (Working in Situ)

In the reading room of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Library readers may, in situ, use CD-ROMs (data bases and individual publications), some special microfiche editions and other aids.

  1. You will find the CD-ROMs constantly available on our network when using one of the terminals in the library's catalogue room and clicking on the menu option "Archive and Library" ("Archiv und Bibliothek") and then choose the sub-point "Information Data Bases" ("Informationsdatenbanken"). The information has been laid down according to the following system:

    1. General Data Bases
      Library-related Data Bases
      Biographical Data Bases
      Research-related Data Bases
      Statistical Data Bases
      Newspapers and Periodicals
    2. Historico-Political Data Bases
      Chronicles/ Encyclopaedias / Works of Reference
      History and Politics/ Labour and Trade Union Movements
      History and Politics/ Topics CD-ROM

    The following .pdf format inventory list will give you an overview of the CD-ROMs available at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Library.

    Before coming for a visit, you should inquire as to the availability of the CD-ROM offers (either by e-mail ( or by telephone (+49 (0)228 883426). Use of the CD-ROMs might be limited due to technical (e.g. installation activities) or organizational reasons (e.g. if the desired CD-ROM has been sent out due to inter-library lending).

  2. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation Library owns some basic microfiche editions which can only be used in the library itself. These are some biographical microfiche publications and some historic source collections. A list in .pdf format will give you an overview over the microfiche editions available at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Library.

  3. You will find information on further offers provided by our library in the library itself.


Guided Tours

On request, we offer free guided tours for groups and introductions into how to use the Library for student groups or school classes. Please contact our secretariat by e-mail ( or call +49 (0)228 883 551.


Two of our workstations have Internet access.

Copy Services

A photocopier and a Book-Eye Scanner are available. Price per copy: 10 cents per DIN A 4 copy; 15 cents per DIN A 3 copy. Price per reader/printer printouts: 15 cents per DIN A 4 printout, 20 cents per DIN A 3 printout. Readers pay for their copies at the information desk.


Readers may use the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's canteen.

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