G e r m a n y s p e a k s
Inhaltsverzeichnis zur ONLINE-Edition
Germany speaks, [Heft 1]
Impressions from the Navy
From the Works Councils of the Republic to the Nazi Works Councils
A minor Catastrophe for the Works Leader
Communal Listening in the Factory
Letters from German Housewives
"Soup-Kitchen" feeding for a Quarter of the Population
A Victory for German Women Workers
Germany speaks, [Heft 2]
Gestapo tells us how to overthrow Hitler
To The Workers in the Third Reich!
Russian Aid for Germany.
Haushofer's "Co-operative Acquisition of Living-Space"
Germany speaks, [Heft 3]
Passive Resistance in the Workshops
Fixed Prices?
Juvenile Delinquency in the Third Reich
Police Regulations for the Protection of Youth
Untrained Youths as Teachers
Nervous Mothers at Home
Are children tender plants?
Germany speaks, [Heft 4]
In Germany to-day
"The Nazis have brought this war on us."
"Why don't you send them to the devil?"
The "Peace" Party Congress!
Preserving the Façade.
Sermons composed by the Propaganda Ministry
Conditions in the German Army
The Führer on the Scrap-Heap
England, the Chief Enemy!
The "Drang nach Osten"
Juvenile Delinquency
Germany speaks, [Heft 5]
Losses of Aircraft
Battle of the Atlantic
Effects of the Bombing
Southern Germany
Russian Prisoners of War
Death to the Sick
Notes on France
Oppositional Groups
Témoignages Chretiennes
Germany speaks, [Heft 6]
Confidence in Victory
A Pessimist
Final defeat 1942!
Racketeer Goebbels
Effects of the Bombing
Notes on Italy
How long?
"An Occupied Country
The Opposition
Hatred of the Germans
The Deceiver Deceived
German Troops in France
Bypass to France
In the Rear France
Hell in Russia
Invasion Propaganda
Notes on France
Political Assassinations
Preparation of the German Offensive