511 Chester-Ninth Bldg.
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E U R O P E     s p e a k s

Reliable inside material from Nazi-Europe
Provided through confidential channels by
Elizabeth E. Blencke


No. 10, August 1, 1943

[Seite: - 1 -]


In general, our information affirms the opinions voiced in American newspapers that the morale of the German civilians and soldiers has been bad since Stalingrad.

From a large Eastern German city:

"The resistance is increasing. Soldiers on leave from the Eastern front express frankly and publicly their hatred of the S.S. and the Nazi leaders. The Gestapo has been instructed to ignore most of these incidents."

From another report:

"The arrest of students in many universities and the publicity which their consequent trials received was undertaken by the Nazis to counteract with terror the attitude of the people. This university opposition by students and professors is interesting because they come from the conservative German camp. They regard the Nazis as a national danger for the future of Germany. Therefore, they had established contact with the defense workers."

A report after the Tunisian campaign:

"The German opposition terms the catastrophe in Tunisia very appropriately, `Tunisgrad'. In three cities, I observed anti-Nazi and anti-war slogans on the walls of the street. Most significant is the fact that there are now inscriptions referring to Hitler as the real cause of the Allied air-raids. Even as late as last autumn, such a thing would have been almost impossible."

It is reported that labor does not believe in the possibility of a German victory, quite apart from the fact that they do not desire it. When the German summer campaign did not start in time, wishful thinking lead to the optimistic hope that

[Seite im Original:] - 2-

the Russians would soon be in Silisia.

Fear of Allied Peace Terms

"The German people have a panicky fear of an Allied post-war settlement, and even militant anti-Nazis are disturbed about the possibility that the victors will impose a reactionary government, or that former leaders, such as Bruening or a general may be put into power. Goebbels uses this fear, which is shared by all Germans, to Hitler's advantage."

Goebbels Lies

The following leaflet was distributed by Goebbels:

"Churchill's devilish plan!

The official English news agency Reuter sent a cablegram to South America containing the following monstrous proposals:

'After the victory of the Allies, all German children should be internationalized. All German children between the ages of 2 and 6 should be taken away from their mothers and transferred to other countries for twenty-five years.'

If German children still remain alive after this plan has been put into effect, they will be forced to grow up as international slaves and perform compulsory labor service for the plutocratic-bloshevist exploiter criminals.

It is for your children - for the future of our race!"

Churchill, of course, proposed nothing of this kind.

Goebbels Plagiarizes American Fascists

As the dominant fear of the Germans is the tremendous productive capacity of the United States, the propaganda against the United States represents the American people as reluctant to wage the war on Germany and charges the American Jews with forcing the people into the war.

Goebbels distributed the following leaflet:

"Bernhard M. Baruch, financier, JEW,
Henry Morgenthau, Finance Minister, JEW,
Felix Frankfurter, Professor, JEW,
Sol Bloom, President of the Army Commission of the Senate, JEW,
La Guardia, Mayor of New York, HALF-JEWISH,
Cordell Hull, Foreign Minister, married to a JEWESS,

[Seite im Original:] - 3-


The opposition in France is coming into the open. Some weeks ago the French Resistance Movement celebrated one of its greatest triumphs. The largest papers issued by the French underground fighters: "Liberation", "Franc Tireur" and "Combat" have decided to describe themselves as the journals of the organized and united resistance movement. The "Populaire", the journal of the French Socialists, has been able to publish its tenth number in an edition of 30,000 copies.

The reconstruction of the Trade Unions is making good progress. One great obstacle to the reconstruction of the Trade Unions is the deportation of young workers to the Third Reich. Even where workers succeed in avoiding deportation by hiding themselves, they naturally cannot be used for the work of rebuilding the Trade Unions. They have armed themselves and together with certain remnants of the former regular army, await the day when the Allies land in France. Countless leaflets with the heading, "Rise Against Slavery", tell of ways and means of avoiding deportation to Germany. Labor exchange officials and policemen, transport workers and railwaymen - all do what they can to sabotage the plans of the Germans.

Instructions of "Combat" to Workers in France

"Use every means to prevent the execution of the deportation order in France. Cause disorder. Paralyze, bomb, assault, disarm, but do not kill police. Cause agitation and revolt everywhere to disperse the police force. Get the help of women. Set fire to houses of S.O.L. members and threaten them. Intimidate officials by anonymous action against occupation troops for the present. Undermine administration and police. Help hide others and keep under cover yourself. Gatherings are to be avoided. Obtain ration cards, identity papers, food money, where necessary by force. Have no consideration for cowardice of Civil Servants or for the coffers of avaricious peasants."

Instructions to Frenchmen in Germany

"When in Germany be discreet, cautious, silent. Beware of spies who may be French. Do as little work as possible and organize passive resistance. Avoid demonstrations and strikes but go slow, very slow. Act collectively, forming groups of three which become snowballs. Contact foreign workers and French war prisoners; inform them our desire to work with them in the coming Revolution in

[Seite: - 4 -]

[the West and western unity. Tell them that all the Germans now being killed are being sacrificed in vain and are a loss to the whole continent."][1]

Editorische Anmerkungen

1. - In der Originalausgabe dieses Hefts aus dem Bestand des AdsD, Bonn, ist die vierte Seite mit dem in eckige Klammern gesetzte Text nicht erhalten. Er wurde aus der weitgehend identischen Ausgabe von ,,Europe speaks" (Hauptausgabe), [Heft 24], 4. Juni 1943, Seite [5], entnommen.

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