6. Consolidation of reforms after elections

[page-number of print-ed.: 38]

6. Consolidation of reforms after elections

To keep up the momentum of reforms after elections, those pieces of legislation that were not finalised during the transitional period should be brought before parliament immediately.

Implementation of acts passed should start without delay. Civil society must be prepared for opposition to the reforms. Attempts to derail them will not just fade away with time but perhaps even increase once the full meaning and practical implications of the new relationship between the media and the powers that be have become apparent to all.

For this reason, the process of implementation should not be left in the hands of government alone. A joint initiative with representatives of the state and civil society should be set up to drive and oversee it, or - if there is not enough mutual trust - the Campaign itself should now take on the role of watchdog over the process. In any case, an action plan for the implementation of the media reform needs to be drawn up.

Major activities during the phase after elections will include

  • the passing of an independent broadcasting regulatory act, the establishment of the board and authority, training for board members, drafting of policies, regulations and frequency plan;
  • the passing and implementation of a transformation of state-controlled print media and news services act which should include the option of companies run by journalists themselves;
  • the passing of access to information legislation and subsequent implementation;
  • a thorough review and, where necessary, amendments to legislation which has a negative impact on the media;
  • implementation of the new public broadcasting act with the necessary training for board members, restructuring of the broadcaster and training of remaining/new staff.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition fes-library | Oktober 2003

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