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AIDAB Papua New Guinea: The Role of Government in Economic Development, Canberra, 1994.

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Brown, C. and Scott, D.A. Economic Development in Seven Pacific Island Countries, International Monetary Fund, Washington, 1989.

Cole, R. ‘Transnational corporations in the international trade of selected primary commodities from the South Pacific’, in UN, Transnational Corporations and the International Trade in Primary Commodities, New York, 1994.

Coultas, M., Naisoro, N., Alexander, J. and Brookes, J. Towards a New Era in a Dynamic Relationship: Fiji and Australia, Martex International Trade Marketing Pty Ltd, 1994.

Croome, J. Reshaping the World Trading System: A History of the Uruguay Round, World Trade Organisation, 1996.

Davenport, M., Hewitt, A. and Koning, A. Europe’s Preferred Partners? The Lomé Countries in World Trade, Overseas Development Institue, London, 1995.

Davidson, J.W. The Decolonization of Oceania, New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, Wellington, 1971.

–– ‘From dependency to independence’, Journal of Pacific History, vol. 8, 1973, pp. 158-70.

Elek, A. ‘Review of Fallon et al., Exchange Rate Policy in Papua New Guinea’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, 10(1), July 1995, pp. 146-50.

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Enhancing the External Trade and Investment of Pacific Island Countries, in particular with Asia: Policy Issues and Implications for the 1990s, 1995.

Fallon, J., King, T. and Zeitsch, J. Exchange Rate Policy in Papua New Guinea, Discussion Paper No. 64, Institute of National Affairs, Port Moresby, 1995.

Forum Secretariat, Regional Trade Policy Seminar, Forum Secretariat Headquarters, Suva, 1992.

Grynberg, R. and Powell, M. Taxation in the Island Nations of the South Pacific, Vol. 1, University of the South Pacific/Australian National University, Canberra, 1994.

Hardin and Associates, The Prospects for a Preferential or Free Trade Agreement between Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, 1990.

Hughes, A.V. ‘High speed on an unmade road: Solomon Islands’ joint venture route to a tuna fishery’ in D. Doulman ed., Tuna Issues and Perspectives in the Pacific Islands Region, East-West Center, Hawaii, 1987.

Lal, B.V. Broken Waves: A history of the Fiji Islands in the twentieth century, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1993.

Macdonald, B. Policy and practice in an atoll territory: British rule in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, 1892-1970, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Australian National University, 1971.

Martex Report – see Coultas, et al.

Nicole, G. and Grynberg, R. ‘Allocations of national aid under the Lomé Convention: A cross-sectional analysis’, Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, USP, Suva, 1996.

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Price Waterhouse Economic Studies and Development Unit, Fiji Export Development Strategy, 1993.

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Thompson Pacific, Fiji Exports to New Zealand: A growth strategy report, 1994.

World Bank, Pacific Island Economies: Building a Resilient Economic Base for the Twenty-First Century, Report No. 13803-EAP, 1995. [All ‘World Bank report’ references in the text are to this document.]

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About the Author

Roman Grynberg is a professor in the department of Economics at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from McGill University in 1988 and his M.A. in Economics from Simon Fraser University in 1974. He has served as a consultant for a number of projects and institutions, including UNCTAD, the World Bank, as well as economic advisor to members of the Parliament of Fiji. He was won a numerous fellowships and awards in Australia, Canada and the United States. He has written numerous articles on South Pacific economic issues, and co-authored a book on Resource Economics.

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