EU Eastern enlargement and development cooperation / Michael Dauderstädt (ed.). Friedrich-Ebert-Stfitung, International Policy Unit - [Electronic ed.] - Bonn, 2002 - 39 S. = 160 KB, Text & Image file - ISBN 3-89892-125-5
Dt. Ausg. u.d.T.: EU-Osterweiterung und Entwicklungspolitik. - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES-Library, 2002

© Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung


[page-number of print ed.: 1 =title page]

Michael Dauderstädt (ed.)

EU Eastern Enlargement
and Development Cooperation

The upcoming accession of eight post-communist states in central and eastern Europe to the EU will alter the relationship between them, the enlarged EU and the developing countries.
This issue looks back at the development of Poland,
Czech Republic and Hungary from a role of donor to
recipient and back to donor since 1989, their current
relations with the Third World, and their likely post-accession influence on the policy of the EU towards developing countries.

November 2002

[page-number of print ed.: 2]

Note on the authors:

Pawel Baginski, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Michael Dauderstädt, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Germany
Petr Halaxa, Institute for International Relations, Czech Republic
Petr Jelinek, Institute for International Relations, Czech Republic
Judith Kiss, Institute for World Economics, Hungary
Jan V. Krouzek, Institute for International Relations, Czech Republic

The editor wants to thank Josef Füllenbach and Michael Hofmann of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for suggestions and support.
The contributions by the authors from candidate countries have been copy-edited by
James Patterson. The contribution by Michael Dauderstädt has been translated into English by Andrew Sims .

A German version is also available in the series "Politikinformation Osteuropa" No.107.

ISBN: 3-89892-125-5

International Politicy Analysis Unit
International Dialog
D-53170 Bonn
Fax: 0228/883-625
e-mail: daudersm@fes.de

[page-number of print ed.: 3]

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