Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography

Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe

10th Conference of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe : held in Hamburg ..., 10th and 11th July, 1959 / Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe. - London, [1959]. - II, 27 S.

The 1917 revolution : statement on the 50th anniversary by the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe. - London : SUCEE, [1967]. - 1 S.

Bernard, Vilem
Development in Central and Eastern Europe : report to the Council of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe, SUCEE / Vilem Bernard. - London, [1956]
Supplement to Labour's Call from behind the Iron Curtain

The Brno Congress of the Czechoslovak Social-Democratic Party : statement of the Executive of the party in exile. - London : Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe, [1957]
Supplement to Labour's Call from behind the Iron Curtain

Bureau International Socialiste des Pays du Centre et du Sud-Est de l'Europe : aux représentants des partis socialistes participant ŕ la conférence de Paris 24 avril 1948: Memorandum. - Paris, 1948. - 3 S.

Bureau International Socialiste des Pays du Centre et du Sud-Est de l'Europe : compte-rendu du B.I.S. Mars-Juin 1948. - [S.l., 1948]. - 6 S.

Centenaire de l'Internationale Socialiste : déc'laration de l'Union Socialiste de l'Europe Centrale et Orientale = Die Jahrhundertfeier der Sozialistischen Internationale = The centerary of the Socialist International. - London, [1964]. - 4 S.

Changements intervenus en Europe orientale depuis la fin de l'čre stalinienne : rapport du Groupe d'études chargé des questions est-européennes établi par l'Internationale Socialiste et l'Union Socialiste d'Europe Centrale et Orientale. - [S.l., 1964]. - 11 S.

Conference 1957, Vienna on June 30 and July 1st, 1957 / SUCEE. - London, [1957]. - 36 S.

Deuxičme Conférence des Partis Socialistes de l'Europe Centrale et Orientale : Paris, 2 - 4 Octobre 1948 (compte-rendu) / Bureau International Socialiste du Centre - Est de l'Europe. - Paris, [1948]. - 15 S.

Dewar, Hugo
Revolution and counter-revolution in Hungary / Hugo Dewar ; Daniel Norman. - London : Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe, 1957. - 96 S.

Kalnins, Bruno
Destalinisation : its extent and consequences / by Bruno Kalnins. The relevance of Democracy / by Vilem Bernard. - London, [1960]. - 16, 25 S.. - (Socialist alternative for Eastern Europe ; 5/6)
BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  SSA  

Kalnins, Bruno
Third russian revolution : lecture by Bruno Kalnins, chairman of the Social-Democratic Worker's Party of Latvia in exile, submitted to the Conference of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe, Vienna, June 30 - July 1st, 1957 / von Bruno Kalnins. - London, 1957. - 13 S.
Supplement to Labour's Call from behind the Iron Curtain

Pour la liberté et le socialisme : 1949 - 1959 / Union Socialiste du Centre-Est d'Europe. - [S.l., 1960]. - 42 S.

Socialist alternative for Eastern Europe = Alternative socialiste pour l'Europe orientale / statement adopted by the Conference of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe, Rome, 20 & 21 october 1961. - London, [ca. 1961]. - 29 S.
Text dt., engl. und franz.

Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe : conference 1956, Copenhagen December 2nd - 3rd 1956 / Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe. - London, [1956]. - 16 S.

Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe, 1949-1959 : For freedom and socialism / Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe. - London, [1960]. - 39 S.

Les socialistes des pays opprimés réclament la liberté, la démocratie et l'indépendence : compte rendu de la Conférence Internationale des partis socialistes des pays du Centre et de l'Est européen ; Paris 13 - 15 mars 1948 / Bureau International Socialiste. - Paris, [1948]. - 15 S.

Szélig, Imre
Gewerkschaften und Arbeiterräte / von Imre Szélig. Abriss eines Agrarprogrammes / von Zivko Topalovich. - London, [1960]. - 27 S.. - (Sozialistische Alternative für Osteuropa ; 1/2)
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Szélig, Imre
Trade unions and workers' councils / by Imre Szélig. A draft programme for agriculture / by Zivko Topalovich. - London, [1960]. - 25 S.. - (Socialist alternative for Eastern Europe ; 1/2)
BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  

Thomas, Stephan
The Sino-Soviet conflict : report to the Study Group on Eastern European Questions / Stephan Thomas. - 1964]. - 12 S.
Suppl. to Socialist International Information XIV.1964,24

Unity - prelude to freedom : the origin and aims of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe. - London, [ca. 1953]. - 11 S.
ABA  BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  TAM  

Vanek, Milos
Relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union : I: the economic sphere ; Study Group on East European Questions set up jointly by the Socialist International and the Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe / Milos Vanek. - London, 1964. - 18 S.

What has changed in Eastern-Europe in the post-Stalin era : report of the Study Group on East European Questions set up by the Socialist International and the Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe. - 1964. - 13 S.
Suppl. to Socialist International Information XIV.1964,7

Winnicki, J.
The economy in the service of society / by J. Winnicki. Power politics and communist doctrine / by Zygmunt Zaremba. - London, [1960]. - 16, 23 S.. - (Socialist alternative for Eastern Europe ; 7/8)
BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  

Zaremba, Zygmunt
Deeds, not words! : the hypocrisy of the present Polish rulers / by Zygmunt Zaremba. - London : Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europ., [1956]. - 17 S.
BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  

Zaremba, Zygmunt
Democratic opposition in the communist camp / by Zygmunt Zaremba. Western socialist thought and Eastern Europe / by Serban Voinea. - London, [1960]. - 34, 18 S.. - (Socialist alternative for Eastern Europe ; 3/4)
BDIC  FES on microfiche  IISG  

Zaremba, Zygmunt
Demokratische Opposition im kommunistischen Lager / von Zygmunt Zaremba. - London, [1960]. - 38 S.. - (Sozialistische Alternative für Osteuropa ; 3)
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Labour's call from behind the iron curtain : Bulletin of the Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe. - London : SUCEE
ABA incomplete  BDIC incomplete  FES incomplete, on microfilm  IISG  SSA incomplete  TAM 1959-1968  

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