Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography

International Socialist Committee for the Organized Jewish Workers in Palestine

Bulletin / Comité Socialiste pour la Palestine Ouvrière. - Paris
1.1928 - 11.1938
ABA no. 11  BDIC incomplete  FES on microfilm  FF incomplete  IISG  SHC incomplete  

Bulletin / Sozialistisches Komitee für das Arbeitende Palästina. - Paris
1.1928 - 3.1929
FES on microfilm  IISG  

Bulletin / International Socialist Committee for the Organized Jewish Workers in Palestine. - Paris
FES on microfilm  IISG  

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  • ©Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation | 21.5.2024 um 15:36