Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography

Socialist International

1 May 1959 - labour day : joint publication of Socialist International and Asian Socialist Conference. - London [u.a.], [1959]. - 8 S.
FES on microfilm  SSA  

Aims and tasks of democratic socialism : declaration of the Socialist International adopted at its first congress held in Frankfurt-on-Main on 30th June - 3rd July, 1951. - London, [1951. - 4] Bl.
[The text was published in several languages, but only the English edition by the SI.]
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe / report by Working Party constisting of Robert Pontillon ... Socialist International. - London, [1968]. - 16 S.

Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union / Socialist International. - [London, 1971. - 8] Bl.. - (A Socialist International publication)

The Arusha Conference : conference on Southern Africa of the Socialist International and the Socialist Group of the European Parliament with the Front Line States, ANC and SWAPO ; Arusha, Tanzania, September 4 - 5 1984. - London : Socialist International, 1985. - 135 S.

Ausstellung 100 Jahre Sozialistische Internationale : 5 - 20 IX 1964 = Tentoonstelling 100 jaar Socialistische Internationale = Exhibition 100 years Socialist International = Ausstellung 100 Jahre Sozialistische Internationale / Socialist International. - [Brussels, 1964]. - 399 S.

Bericht der Spezialkonferenz über Sozialismus und Religion : Bentveld 9. bis 11. März 1953 ; Einberufen vom Büro der Sozialistischen Internationale / [Hrsg.]: Sozialistische Partei Österreichs. - Wien : Sozialistische Partei Österreichs, [1953]. - 79 S.
Als Ms. gedr.

Brandt, Willy
Eröffnung der Lateinamerika-Konferenz : Lissabon, 30. September 1978 / Willy Brandt. - [S.l.], 1978. - 24 S.

Brandt, Willy
Opening-Statement, SI-Bureau Rio de Janeiro am 1. Oktober 1984 / Willy Brandt. - [S.l., 1984]. - 32 Bl.

Brandt, Willy
Rede vom 26. November 1976 anläßlich des XIII. Kongresses der Sozialistischen Internationale in Genf = Speech of 26th November, 1976 on the occasion of the XIIIth congress of the Socialist International in Geneva = Discours du 26 novembre 1976 lors du XIIIe congrčs de l'Internationale Socialiste ŕ Genčve / Willy Brandt. - [S.l., 1976]. - 80 S.

Braunthal, Julius
The Socialist International : report on activities (1951 - 1952) ; submitted to the second congress of the Socialist International, Milan, 17 - 21 October 1952 / by Julius Braunthal. - 1952. - II, 57 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 65/52

Braunthal, Julius
The Socialist International : report on activities (1952 - 1953) ; submitted to the third congress of the Socialist International, Stockholm, 15 - 18 July 1953 / by Julius Braunthal. - [1953]. - II, 68 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 90/53

Braunthal, Julius
The Socialist International : report on activities (1953 - 1955) ; submitted to the fourth congress of the Socialist International, London, 12 - 16 July 1955 / by Julius Braunthal. - [1955]. - II, 95 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 33/55

Carthy, Albert
General Secretary's report to Eastbourne congress / Albert Carthy. - [1969]. - S. 108 - 128
Socialist International Information vol. 19, no. 11

The challenge of global development : meeting of the Socialist International Committee on Economic Policy ; Stresa, Italy, May 19 - 20, 1987 ; Stresa declaration / Socialist International. - London, [1987]. - 6 S.

Changements intervenus en Europe orientale depuis la fin de l'čre stalinienne : rapport du Groupe d'études chargé des questions est-européennes établi par l'Internationale Socialiste et l'Union Socialiste d'Europe Centrale et Orientale. - [S.l., 1964]. - 11 S.

Declaration of principles of the Socialist International : XVIII congress of the Socialist International ; Stockholm, June 20 - 22, 1989 / Socialist International. - London, [1989]. - 21 S.

Declaration of principles of the Socialist International : adopted at the XVIII congress ; Stockholm, June 20 - 22, 1989 / Socialist International. - London, 1989. - 28 S.

Declarations and resolutions of the meeting of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, SICLAC : Aruba, 10 - 11 April , 1991 / Socialist International. - London, [1991]. - 12 Bl.

Declarations and resolutions of the meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, SICEE : Bucharest, Romania 5 - 6 February 1999 / Socialist International. - London : Socialist International, 1999. - 12 S.

Declarations and resolutions of the meeting of the Council of the Socialist International : Buenos Aires, 25 - 26 June 1999 / Socialist International. - London, 1999. - 24 S.

Declarations and resolutions of the SI council meeting, Oslo, Norway, 18 - 19 May 1998 / Socialist International. - London, 1998. - 43 S.

Declarations and resolutions of the Socialist International council meeting, Palais des Nations, United Nations, Geneva, 23 - 24 November 1998 / Socialist International. - London, 1998. - 58 S.

Declarations of the Socialist International : the basic principles of democratic socialism ; adopted by the Socialist International at Frankfort in 1951 and Oslo in 1962 / Socialist International. - London, [1964]. - 16 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)

Declarations of the Socialist International : the basic principles of democratic socialism ; adopted by the Socialist International at Frankfort in 1951 and Oslo in 1962 / Socialist International. - London, [1972]. - 19 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)

Declarations of the Socialist International : the basic principles of democratic socialism ; adopted by the Socialist International at Frankfort in 1951 and Oslo in 1962 ; also includes composition of the SI and new statutes of the SI / Socialist International. - London, [1978]. - 20 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)
[Reprinted by the New Democratic Party November 1978]

Eastbourne report 1 : proceedings of the 11th congress of the Socialist International June 16 - 20, 1969. - London, 1969. - S. 153 - 180. - (A Socialist International publication)
Socialist International Information vol. 19, no. 15
FES on microfilm  SAPMO  SSA  TK  

Eastbourne report 2 : proceedings of the 11th congress, June 16 - 20, 1969 / Socialist International. - London, 1969. - S. 181 - 212. - (A Socialist International publication)
Socialist International Information vol. 19, no. 16-17
FES on microfilm  SAPMO  SSA  TK  

Economic development and social change / Socialist International. - London, [1962]. - 39 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)

Eighth congress of the Socialist International : September 9 - 12, 1963 ; report. - London : Socialist International, [1963]. - IV, 157 S.
[Resolutions in English, French and German]

Estatutos de la Internacional Socialista / Socialist International. - Santo Domingo, 1980. - 6 S.

Fifth meeting : Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean ; August 15th, 1982 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ; list of participants, declaration on the Southern Cone / Socialist International. - Santo Domingo : SICLAC, 1982. - 5, 4 S.

Final report of the Socialist International study group on disarmament : Socialist International congress, Madrid, 13 - 16 November 1980 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1980]. - 55 S.

For a more humane society, for a world more fair and just : XXI congress of the Socialist International, Paris, 8 - 10 November 1999. - London, 1999. - 72 S.

Fourteenth post-war congress of the Socialist International : Vancouver, November 3 - 5, 1978 / Socialist International. - London, 1979. - 371 S.
Stencil. - General circular no. G1/79

Die Geschichte der Sozialistischen Internationale : 1864 - 1940 ; (Tatsachen, Daten, Zahlen) / mit Vorbemerkungen von R. Rauscher. - London, [1964]. - 31 Bl.
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Global challenge : from crisis to cooperation: breaking the North-South stalemate ; report of the Socialist International Committee on Economic Policy / chaired by Michael Manley, Willy Brandt. - London [u.a.] : Pan Books, 1985. - 221 S.
Literaturverz. S. 217 - [222]
ISBN 0-330-29316-8

Grundsatzerklärung der Sozialistischen Internationale : Wien, 9 - 10 Mars, 1989 / Socialist International. - London, [1989]. - 17 Bl.

Guía de normas : Congreso de la Internacional Socialista, Madrid, 13 - 16 Nov. 1980. - [S.l., 1980]. - 147 Bl.
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Guidelines Socialist International congress : Madrid, 13 - 16 November 1980 / Socialist International. - [S.l.], 1980. - 145 S.

Haves & have-nots : socialist economy policy for developing countries / Socialist International. - London, [1966]. - 10 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)
[A Spanish edition was published by the International Metalworkers' Federation]
FES on microfiche  IISG  TK  

Internacional Socialista : información, declaraciones de Frankfort y Oslo, partidos miembros / Buro Coordinador de la Internacional Socialista en America Latina. - Montevideo, 1965
Boletin del Buro Coordinador de la Internacional Socialista en America Latina, Montevideo, vol. 5 no. 7

Internacional Socialista XVIII Congreso : Estocolmo Junio 1989 / Socialist International. - Londres, 1989. - 193 S.

The International 1972 - 76 : Report of the Bureau on the activities of the Socialist International ; presented to the 13th Congress, Geneva, 26 - 28 November 1976 / Hans Janitschek. - London : Socialist International, 1976. - 159 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)
Circular no. 22/76

L'Internationale Socialiste XVIII Congrčs : Stockholm Juin 1989 / Socialist International. - Londres, 1989. - 189 S.

L'Internazionale Socialista : dichiarazione dei principi del socialismo democratico / presentazione di Giuseppe Saragat. - Roma : Opere Nuove, 1956. - 63 S.

Janitschek, Hans
The International 1969 - 1972 : report of the Bureau on the activities of the Socialist International, 1969-72 ; presented to the 12th congress of the Socialist International, Vienna, 26 - 29 June 1972 / by Hans Janitschek. - [S.l.], 1972. - 19 S.

Janitschek, Hans
The International 1969 to 1971 : General Secretary's report to the Helsinki Council Conference of the Socialist International 25 - 27 May 1971 / [Hans Janitschek]. - London, 1971. - 32 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)

Joint communique of the Socialist International, the Socialist Group of the European Parliamant, the frontline states parties and the liberation movements : Harare Conference on Southern Africa, february 15-16 1989 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1989]. - 6, 5 S.

Manifestation internationale du 6 septembre 1964 : programme et instruction générales, Bruxelles, 5 et 6 septembre 1964 / Comité international du centenaire de la fondation de l'Internationale Socialiste. - [S.l.], 1964. - 26 S.

Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International : Brussels, Belgium, 10 - 11 April, 2000 / Socialist International. - London, 2000. - 31 S.

Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International : Maputo, Mozambique, 10 - 11 November, 2000 / Socialist International. - London, 2000. - 38 S.

Minutes of the eleventh congress of the Socialist International : Eastbourne, June 16 - 20, 1969 / Socialist International. - London, 1969. - Getr. Zählung
Circular no. 11/72
ABA  FES copy  

El mundo de hoy... : la perspectiva socialista / publ. de la International Socialista. - London, [1962]. - 14 S.

O mundo em crise : a resposta socialista ; XVI congresso da Internacional Socialista ; Algarve, Portugal, 7 - 10 April 1983 = The world in crisis. - Lisbon : Socialist Party International Department, [1983]. - 169 S.
Text in English

New statutes for the Socialist International / Socialist International. - [1976]

Politica economica socialista para los paises en vias de desarrollo : Conferencia Económica de Expertos reunida por la Internacional Socialista Baden bei Wien / Prefacio de Albert Carthy. - [S.l., 1961]. - 40 S.. - (Poseyentes y no poseyentes)
FES on microfilm  IISG  

Die Prinzipienerklärung der Sozialistischen Internationale : XVIII. Kongress der Sozialistischen Internationale, Stockholn, 20.-22. Juni 1989 / Socialist International. - [S.l., ca. 1989]. - 22 S.

Problemas económicos de América Latina : [declaraciones de la Conferencia de Expertos Economistas de los Partidos Socialistas de América Latina reunida en Santiago de Chile. - Bogota] : Ed. ALFA, [1958]. - 47 S.
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Programme, history and structure of the Socialist International : SI 80 Madrid, 13 - 16 November 1980 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1980]. - 5 S.

Rapport d'activité du Secrétariat de l'Internationale : (juin 1959 ŕ septembre 1961) ; le VIIe congrčs de l'Internationale Socialiste (Rome 21 au 27 octobre 1961). - Paris : Documentation Socialiste, 1962. - 78 S.

Report of an international socialist study group on the situation of Jews in the U.S.S.R.. - S.l.], 1964. - Getr. Zählung
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Report of the 12th congress of the Socialist International : held in Vienna, 26 - 29 June, 1972. - London : Socialist International, [1972]. - 93 S.

Report of the fifth congress of the Socialist International : held in Vienna, 2 - 6 July, 1957. - London : Socialist International, 1957. - IV, 176 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 70/57

Report of the first congress of the Socialist International : held at Frankfort-on-Main, 30 June - 3 July, 1951. - London : Socialist International, 1951. - V, 161 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 100/51

Report of the fourth congress of the Socialist International : held in London, 12 - 16 July, 1955. - London : Socialist International, 1955. - V, 228 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 52/55

Report of the second congress of the Socialist International : held in Milan, 17 - 21 October, 1952. - London : Socialist International, 1953. - V, 178 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 1/53

Report of the Secretary General : XIX congress of the Socialist International, Berlin, 15 - 17 September 1992. - [1992. - 46] S.

Report of the Secretary General to the XXI congress of the Socialist International : Paris, 8 - 10 November 1999. - [S.l., 1999]. - 32 S.

Report of the seventh congress of the Socialist International : Rome, 23 - 27 October, 1961. - London : Socialist International, 1962. - IV, 157 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 72/62

Report of the sixth congress of the Socialist International : Hamburg, 14 - 17 July, 1959. - London : Socialist International, 1960. - IV, 194 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 1/60

Report of the third congress of the Socialist International : held in Stockholm, 15 - 19 July, 1953. - London : Socialist International, 1953. - VI, 184 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 115

Resolution des 15. Nachkriegskongresses der Sozialistischen Internationale : Übersetzung, Endfassung / Socialist International. - [S.l.], 1980. - [20] Bl.

Resolutions of the Council of the Socialist International : Rome, 21 - 22 January 1997 / Socialist International. - London, 1997. - 34 S.

Resolutions of the SI Council Meeting : New Delhi, 10 - 11 November 1997 / Socialist International. - London, 1997. - 28 S.

Reunión du Bureau de l'Internationale Socialiste : 3 - 4 novembre 1982 / Socialist International. - Bâle, [1982]. - 7 S.

Rose, Saul
The Socialist International : under the auspices of the Socialist International and the Asian Socialist Conference / Saul Rose. Forweword by Morgan Phillips. - London : The Labour Party, 1955. - 20 S.

The Socialist International : report on activities (July 1955 - June 1957) ; submitted to the fifth congress of the Socialist International, Vienna, 2 - 6 July 1957 / Socialist International. - 1957. - II, 37 S.
Stencil. - Circular no. 40/57

The Socialist International : Secretary's report (July 1957 - June 1959) to the sixth congress of the Socialist International, Hamburg, 14 - 17 July 1959 / Socialist International. - London, 1959. - II, 36 S.
Circular no. 23/59

The Socialist International : Secretary's report (1 June 1959 - 5 September 1961) to the seventh congress of the Socialist International meeting in Rome, 23 - 27 October, 1961 / Socialist International. - London, 1961. - 46 S.
Mimeographed. - Circular no. 55/61

The Socialist International : a short history ; published to mark the 11th congress, Eastbourne, June 16 - 20, 1969 / Socialist International. - [London, 1969]. - 24 S.. - (A Socialist International publication)

Socialist International - 100 years of struggle for human rights / Socialist International. - London, [1964]. - 32 S.

Socialist International conference on disarmament : Helsinki, April 24 - 26, 1978 ; programme, list of participants and principal speeches / Socialist International. - London, 1978. - 112 S.
General circular G8/78

Socialist International conference on disarmament : Tampere, Finland, September 5 - 6, 1990 / Socialist International. - London, [1990]. - 62 S.

Socialist International conference on disarmament : Tampere, Finland, 5 - 6 September 1990 / Socialist International. - Vantaa, 1990. - [ca. 20] Bl.

Socialist International Congress final draft resolution : SI 83, Algarve, 7 - 10 abril 1983 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1983]. - 28 S.

Socialist International XIX Congress : Berlin, 15 - 17 September 1992 ; freedom and solidarity in a changing world / Socialist International. - London, [1992]. - 237 S.
[Including report of the secretary general]

Socialist International XVIII Congress : Stockholm June 1989 ; 100 years of struggle for peace and freedom, towards a new century / Socialist International. - London, 1989. - 158 S.

Socialist International XX Congress : New York 9 - 11 September 1996 ; the world economy: a common responsability / Socialist International. - London, [1996]. - 341 S.
[Including report of the secretary general. Also published in French and Spanish]

Socialist International XX congress : York 9 - 11 September 1996 ; [4 mayor documents adopted by the XX congress] / Socialist International. - London, 1996. - 112 S.

Die Sozialistische Internationale : Tätigkeitsbericht des Sekretärs (1. Juni 1959 - 5. September 1961) an den Siebenten Kongress der Sozialistischen Internationale, Rom, 23. - 27. Oktober 1961 / Socialist International. - London, 1961. - 46 S.
Stencil. - Rundschreiben Nr. 55/61

Statut der Sozialistischen Internationale : revidiert vom Kongress in Rom, Oktober 1961 / Socialist International. - London, [1961]. - 4 Bl.

Stop violence against women now : a campaign of the Socialist International and the International Union of Socialist Youth. - [S.l., 2000]. - 7 S.

Summary of proceedings of the Congress of the Socialist International : Lima, Peru, June 20 - 23, 1986 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1986]. - 94 S.
[Also published in German in Vienna]

Summary of the sixteenth congress of the Socialist International : Albufeira, April 7 - 10, 1983 / Socialist International. - London, 1983. - 229 S.
General circular no. G4/83E

Thomas, Stephan
The Sino-Soviet conflict : report to the Study Group on Eastern European Questions / Stephan Thomas. - 1964]. - 12 S.
Suppl. to Socialist International Information XIV.1964,24

Together in the 21st century : a partnership for sustainable development ; document drafted by a joint working group composed of members of the Parliamentary Group of the PES, the SI Africa Committee and socialist parties from the Caribbean / general ed.: Joan Cornet Prat. - Bruxelles : Parliamentary Group of the Party of European Socialists, [1997]. - 71 S.

Towards environmental security : a strategy for long term survival / Socialist International Committee on the Environment. - London, [1989]. - 53 Bl.

Vanek, Milos
Relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union : I: the economic sphere ; Study Group on East European Questions set up jointly by the Socialist International and the Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe / Milos Vanek. - London, 1964. - 18 S.

VIII congreso de la Internacional Socialista : [Amsterdam, 9 - 12 de Septiembre de 1963] / introducción por Albert Carthy. - London : Internacional Socialista, [1963]. - 31 S.. - (Publicación de la Internacional Socialista)

Die Welt von heute - sozialistisch gesehen : Erklärung angenommen vom Generalrat der Sozialistischen Internationale, Oslo, 2. bis 4. Juni 1962. - [S.l., ca. 1962]. - 19 S. : Ill.

What has changed in Eastern-Europe in the post-Stalin era : report of the Study Group on East European Questions set up by the Socialist International and the Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe. - 1964. - 13 S.
Suppl. to Socialist International Information XIV.1964,7

The world today... : the socialist perspective / publ. by the Socialist International. - London, [1962]. - 11 S.
[Also as supplement so Socialist International Information vol. XIV.1964,5]

XX Congreso de la Internacional Socialista : sede de las Naciones Unidas Nueva York, 9 - 11 Septiembre de 1996 ; informe del Secretario General / Socialist International. - [London, 1996]. - 124 S.

XX Congreso de la Internacional Socialista : la economia mundia: una responsabilidad comun ; sede de las Naciones Unidas Nueva York, 9 - 11 Septiembre de 1996 / Socialist International. - [London, 1996]

XX congress of the Socialist International : report of the Secretary General ; United Nations headquarters New York 9 - 11 September 1996 / Socialist International. - [S.l., 1996]. - 111 S.

XXe Congrčs de l'Internationale Socialiste : l'économie mondiale: une responsabilité de tous ; New York 9 - 11 Septembre 1996 / Socialist International. - [London, 1996]

América socialista : as ; órgano del Comité de la Internacional Socialista para América Latina y el Caribe. - Santo Domingo
Vol. 1-2, 1980-1981, no. 1-5
AMSAB-A No. 3  FES No. 1-3, 5  IISG No. 2  

Boletín internacional socialista : boletín del Buró Coordinador de la Internacional Socialista en América Latina. - Montevideo
1956-1977. - Istituto "Filippo Turati" in Firenze holds 1977 numbers 7, 9-14
[According to the secretary's report 1955 - 1957 (p. 16) the Latin American Secratariat published a monthly bulletin - at least until 1959, cfr. secretary's report 1957 - 1959 (p. 15). In the report 1969 - 1972 it is stated (p. 17) that the Spanish-language Latin American journal was transferred from Montevideo to London in 1972. In the report 1972 - 1976 the continuation, starting with vol. 9, no. 1, after a gap of four years was mentioned.]
ARAB 2.1957/58,1,6,13; 3.1959,1,4-6,8; 4.1960,1-3,6; 5.1965,7  FES 7.1970/71,1-9; 8.1972,1-2; on microfilm  IISG 5.1965,7; 7.1970/71,1-9 ; 8.1972,1-2  

Boletín internacional socialista / publicado por la Internacional Socialista. - London, Bogota
Vol. 1-
ABA 9.1976,1  AMSAB 8.1972,8 - Marzo 1973  BDIC 9.1976,1  FES 9.1976,1; on microfilm  IISG 9.1976,1  

Informations de l'Internationale Socialiste. - London
BDIC incomplete  IEV incomplete  IISG incomplete  

International socialist bibliography : supplement to Socialist International Information / Socialist International. - London

ISI : Information der Sozialistischen Internationale. - London
ABA incomplete  

Noticias de la Internacional Socialista. - London : Socialist International
1992-1999, no. 1-40

Nouvelles de l'Internationale Socialiste. - London : Socialist International
1992-1999, no. 1-40

SIclips : a newspaper-clipping service / publ. by Socialist International. - London
ABA 6.1975,1-7.1976,1  FES 6.1975,1; 7.1976,1-2; 8.1977,3-4; on microfilm  

Sifoto : a photographic service / publ. by the Socialist International. - London
ABA  FES on microfilm  IISG  

SINEWS : a (monthly) news and feature service published by the Socialist International / Socialist International. - London
ABA  AMSAB incomplete  ARAB incomplete  FES partly on microfilm  IISG incomplete  

Socialist affairs : Socialist International information ; incorporating Socialist International Women. Bulletin [1984-1990] / the journal of the Socialist International and women & politics [1991-] / publ. by the Socialist International. - London : Socialist International
[in 1988 and 1989 only the double-number 1-2 was published in each year; vol. 47 was published in the years 1997-1999.]
ISSN 0049-0946
ABA  ARAB  BDIC  FES partly on microfilm  GOPB incomplete  IISG  SAPMO incomplete  SHC incomplete, on microfilm  SSA incomplete  TAM  TK incomplete  

Socialist affairs en français / publié par l'Internationale Socialiste. - London
[According to the report 1972 - 1976 this issue was the first French language supplement. Probably it is the only number published]
ABA  BDIC  FES on microfilm  IISG  

Socialist International information : including: International Socialist Bibliography, London, 1.1954-3.1956 / Socialist International. - London
[At least during the years 1968 - 1970 a supplement to the Socialist International Information was published, probably some sort of press service.]
ABA  AMSAB incomplete  ARAB incomplete  BDIC incomplete  FES  FF incomplete  GOPB incomplete  IEV  IISG incomplete  LHASC incomplete  SAPMO incomplete  SHC incomplete  SSA incomplete  TAM  

Socialist International news / publ. by the Socialist International. - London
[SI News was published in an English, a French and a Spanish edition.]
ABA  AMSAB  FES partly on microfilm  SHC incomplete  

Socialist International press release / Socialist International. - London
ABA  BDIC  FES on microfilm  IISG incomplete  SAPMO incomplete  

What the papers say / Socialist International. - London
ABA incomplete  AMSAB incomplete  FES  IISG incomplete  

Yearbook of the international socialist labour movement / under the auspices of the Socialist International and the Asian Socialist Conference. - London : Lincolns-Prager Internat. Yearbook Publ. Co.
ABA  AKW  ARAB  BDIC 1956  FES  FF 1956  GOPB 1956  IISG  SHC  SSA  TAM  TK  

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