Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography

International Federation of Socialist Students

Internationale sociaal-democratische koloniale politiek : lezingen van het congres van de S.A.I. en van de conferentie van de Int. Soc. Studenten Federatie gehouden Aug. '28 te Brussel en resoluties bijeengebracht door de Bond van Sociaal Democratische Studentenclubs in Nederland. - Zwolle : Vogt & Breunis, 1929. - 109 S.
FES on microfiche  IISG  

Bulletin of the International Federation of Socialist Students / issued by the Bureau of the IFSS. - Paris
1938,1; mimeographed
FES on microfilm  IISG  

L' Etudiant socialiste : organe mensuel de l'Internationale des Etudiants Socialistes. - Bruxelles
7.1931/32,2 - 14.1938/39
[The periodical started as a Belgian one, was transformed into a periodical for all French-speaking groups and continued as a Belgian periodical until May/June 1940]
AMSAB 1928-1940; on microfilm  BDIC incomplete  FES incomplete  FF incomplete  GOPB 1929-1933  IISG incomplete  SHC incomplete  SSA incomplete  

Information éstudiantine internationale / publiée par le Secrétariat de la Fédération Internationale des Etudiants Socialistes. - Bruxelles
FES on microfilm  IISG  

Internationale Studenteninformation : hrsg. von Sekretariat der Internationalen Sozialistischen Studentenföderation (I.S.S.F.). - Wien
1933,2-3 (August, October)

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