Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography
Overview on the organizational development

Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe

Founded in 1949 in London by representatives of Bulgarian, Czechoslovak, Hungarian, Polish and Yugoslav social-democratic parties in exile. Parties from the Baltic republics, Ukraine and Rumania joined later.
The organization aimed to inform the public in the Eastern European countries about democratic socialism, to promote the unification of Europe and to render mutual support in other international organizations. The organization held annual congresses nearly every year; after the 10th congress in Hamburg 1959 a series of booklets was published. According to the material in the IISG the last congress was held in 1982 in Bonn; the organization had serious financial difficulties, but it was still in existence in 1990.
In some ways the work of the SUCEE is continued in the SI Committee for Central and Eastern Europe.
Although SUCEE was officially founded in 1949, material from 1948 has been included.
IISG: A collection of material in the IISG, Amsterdam covering the years 1948 - 1982.
1949 -1990?

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