Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography
Overview on the organizational development

Labour and Socialist International

After the defeat of the unification attempts, the Second International proposed to the "Vienna International" at a conference held in London in June 1922 renewed co-operation in summoning a General Congress of Socialist and Labour Parties. It was held in Hamburg in May 1923 and was attended by 424 delegates representing 43 socialist parties.
The Hamburg Congress adopted the name: Labour and Socialist International for the reconstituted International. It attempted to weld the International into a closely knit union, capable of taking effective international action. By virtue of the powers vested in it, it was possible for the International to impose obligations upon affiliates.
The organs of the International were the Congress, the Executive Committee, The Bureau, the Administrative Committee and the Secretariat. It was pledged by its constitution to maintain close contacts with the International Federation of Trade Unions and, in fact, both Internationals co-operated closely in joint meetings of their Executives and in frequent joint conferences and actions.
The Congress elected Arthur Henderson President of the Executive; Friedrich Adler and Tom Shaw as joint Secretaries. Adler remained as secretary throughout the whole period. London was chosen as the seat for its headquarters; in 1926 they were moved to Zurich, and in 1935 to Brussels.
IISG: J.R. van der Leeuw et al: Inventar des Archivs der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale (SAI) 1923-1940 - IISG-Working Papers, 22. - Stichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam 1993.

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