Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography
Overview on the organizational development

International Working Union of Socialist Parties

Attempts to revive the Second International at the Geneva Congress in 1920 failed owing to the refusal of a number of parties (among them the Austrian, French, the German Independend Social Democratic Party, the Independend Labour Party of Great Britain and the Swiss Social Democratic Party) to participate, because they strove for an International which united both Socialists and Communists. These parties held a conference in Vienna in 1921 and formed the International Working Union of Socialist Parties (referred to as the Second- and-a-half or Vienna International).
Friedrich Adler was elected Secretary. Herbert Steiner: Die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialistischer Parteien (2½ Internationale) 1921-1923 (in: Annali. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, vol. 1983/84 (L'Internazionale Operaia e Socialista tra le due guerre, a cura di Enzo Collotti)), p. 45-64 refers to published and unpublished material of this International.

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