Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography
Overview on the organizational development

International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations

Beginning in 1922 the International Trade Union Federation held various conferences on workers' education, and plans for more formalised co-operation were being discussed but only after the second world war was the IFWEA founded in London in October 1947, and already in its first ten years included workers' educational associations in various countries outside Europe.
In this it benefitted from the connections that the English WEA had to organizations in the Dominons. Until 1969, and again from 1977 to 1986, the IFWEA headquarters were located at the WEA in London; when this was not the case, headquarters were in Germany, Sweden, Austria, Israel and Norway. In 1996 IFWEA had over 60 members in many countries and, accordingly, it was decided in 1992 to regionalize IFWEA.
An IFWEA archive including some of its publications exists at the University of North London Learning Centre (TUC Collections). Archival material relating to IFWEA may be found in the archives of the national organizations. The FES holds a substantial collection in the Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund papers.
Reports of the general conferences in 1977 (Dublin), 1980 (Oslo), 1983 (UNESCO, Paris) were published in duplicated form like the one from the Vienna conference 1986. One or two seminars a year were also held, and several reports produced. For the time being none of these reports have been located, with the exception of the Vienna General Conference 1986. This also applies to the short reports of the conferences in 1968, 1972, and 1974, respectively.
1947 -

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