Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Socialist International - A Bibliography
Overview on the organizational development

Asian Socialist Conference

Asian Socialist Conference (1953-1960) / Asian Socialist International Bureau.
On the occasion of the Asian Relations Conference, held in Delhi in 1947, leading members of the Socialist Parties of Burma, India and Indonesia, at an informal meeting, discussed the need and the possibility of the Socialist Parties of Asia meeting to discuss common problems and exchange experience. But only five years later, in September 1951, representatives of the Socialist Party of India (later the Praja Socialist Party) and the Social Democratic Party of Japan met in Tokyo and, in a joint statement, urged the calling of a conference of all Asian Socialist Parties.
In December of the same year, representatives of the Progressive Socialist Party of Lebanon and the Socialist Party of India met in Delhi and issued a joint manifesto, urging the Asian Socialist Parties to co-operate. Subsequently representatives of the Burma Socialist Party, the Socialist Party of India and the Partai Sosialis Indonesia met in Rangoon in March 1952 in a preparatory meeting. It decided to convene a conference of Asian Socialist Parties in January 1953 in Rangoon and appointed a preparatory committee for the organization of the Conference.
The first Conference of the Socialist Parties of Asia resolved to establish the Asian Socialist Conference as an independend, international socialist organization with headquarters in Rangoon. U Ba Swe, General Secretary of the Burma Socialist Party, was elected Chairman of the Asian Socialist Conference.
Dissolved in the 1960. No archival sources are known.

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