Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Collection "International Trade Union Organizations"

2 hits matching your query.
Identification number: ZDB 2023481

Zirkular / Internationale Grafische Föderation. - Bern
Franz. Ausg.: International Graphical Federation: Circulaire
( Title ordered !)
  • Book number: Z 9787
    653.1977; 669.1978; 691.1979; 700.1980; 728.1981; 761.1982; 773.1983; 788.1984; 800.1985; 804.1985; 812.1986; 819.1986; 822.1986; 831.1987; 837.1987; 840.1987; 846.1988; 847.1988; 856.1988; 859.1988 [Eingeb.]

Zirkular / Internationale Grafische Föderation. - Bern
Franz. Ausg.: International Graphical Federation: Circulaire
  • Book number: Z 9787
    653.1977; 669.1978; 691.1979; 700.1980; 728.1981; 761.1982; 773.1983; 788.1984; 800.1985; 804.1985; 812.1986; 819.1986; 822.1986; 831.1987; 837.1987; 840.1987; 846.1988; 847.1988; 856.1988; 859.1988 [Eingeb.]
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