Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
Band XLIII / 2003 - Content

Inhaltsübersicht & Zusammenfassungen Tables des matières & résumés

Franz-Josef Brüggemeier
Environmental History - Experiences, Results, and Expectations

Rita Gudermann
"Water Resources" and "Water Thievery." Conflicts between Millers and Farmers as Part of the Modernisation of Agriculture in the Nineteenth Century

Laurence Lestel
How to reconcile industrial development and protection of workers : the case of white lead in France in the 19th century

Bernd-Stefan Grewe
The End of Sustainability? The Forest and Industrialisation in the Nineteenth Century

Andreas Dix
The Ecological Consequences of the Modern World Economy in Nineteenth Century Germany

Ulrike Gilhaus
Economic Liberalisation as a Caesura in Environmental History. The End of Measures to Protect the Environment During Early Industrialisation as Shown by the Example of Industrial Areas in Westfalia in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century

Frank Uekötter
The Organised Failure. German Trade Inspectors and Air Pollution before the Ecological Age

Monika Bergmeier
Toward a History of Environmentally Friendly Energy Technologies in the 20th century

Anna-Katharina Wöbse
Efforts to Protect Nature in the League of Nations - The Beginnings of a World Environmental Politics

Kiran Klaus Patel
Reinventing the West - Setting Out to the East. Nature Conservation and Landscape Architecture in the United States of America and in Germany, 1900-1945

Willi Oberkrome
"Crack Troops" in "Times of War": The Direction of Development of German Nature Conservation in the First and the Second World War

Karl Ditt
Nature Preserves and Tourism in England and Germany 1949-1980. Legislation, Organisation, Problems

Kai F. Hünemörder
From a Network of Experts to Environmental Politics. Early Conferences to Protect the Environment and the Widening of the Public Interest in Environmental Issues in Europe 1959 - 1972

Jens Ivo Engels
From Worrying about Animals to Worrying about the Environment. Animal Television Programmes as Environmental Politics in Western Germany between 1950 and 1980

Patrick Kupper.
The "1970 Diagnosis": Reflections on a Turning-Point in Environmental History

Klaus Gestwa
Ecological Emergency and Social Protest. A Environmental Historical Perspective Concerning the Inability of the Soviet Union to Reform, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union

Nathan Stoltzfus
Public Space and the Dynamics of Environment Action: Green Protest in the German Democratic Republic

Annekatrin Gebauer
Apocalypse and Eschatology - How the Greens Conceptualised Politics in the Years they were Founded


only in German language


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